Today, I’m very happy to be able to announce the great information for Topical Steroid Withdrawal provided by Dr. Kenji Sato.
A lot of patients who are suffering from TSW know Dr. Sato by name because of his theory and great method called ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’for TSW.
He is the leader against Topical Steroids and Protopic to use for Atopic Dermatitis in Japan. He has been taking care of many inpatients/outpatients from all over Japan/foreign countries for a long time and achieves great results for TSW. His eminent ability to diagnose patients’ symptoms and clear and appropriate advice make us surprise all the time because they can be the shortcut for healing.
And I’m the testimony who got over TSW in a short period with his method. Without applying ‘any‘ ointment or cream or oil or moisturizer, the very severe symptoms disappeared 90 days later. It blew my mind.
He sometimes gives comments in the comment column on my blog and this time, mentions about reasons why TSW takes for a long time and can be severe. So I am pretty sure that this information will help out a lot of patients suffered from TSW and must be helpfull for many people for understandings of TSW.
I’m very proud of that he is one of readers of my blog.
Dr. Kenji Sato’s message is as follows;
[sic]I think it is worth informing to people.
From my experience, the causes which make TSW symptoms long and severe are the followings;
1. long term and/or stronger steroid use
2. use of tacrolimus
3. use of moisturisers after stopping topical steroids
4. frequent and long bath and/or shower
5. drinking of large amount of liquid, drinking liquid during night
6. wash out exudate and/or scrape off crust
7. insufficient intake of protein and lipid
8. bed rest during the day time
9. insufficient amount of exercise
10. be told not to scratch
11. poor management of psychological stress
12. Subjective assessment of signs (itch, pain etc.) and no objective assessment of symptoms (erosion, red, brown, white, exudate, crust, etc. )
Kenji Sato
Edited: Subjective – when you feel you are getting better or worse – but an impression only on progress of NMT. Objective is when photos are taken of skin changes, counts of flares, documentation of urine color and water restriction, intensity of itch, accurate assessment of flaking, color of skin eruptions and oozing, etc. In hospitals, doctors make a subjective assessment of how sick one is and then blood tests, blood pressure, etc. for objective assessment. – This explanation is made by Ms. Marlene Diana Bell who is one of admins of ‘NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) Education Group’: The intensive learning site on Facebook
No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT), that was developed by Dr. Sato based on his many experiences for a long time with TSW patients has been showing clearly defined outcome in Japan.
People who have tried NMT can make a definitive statement that it is the best method for your prompt recovery from TSW. However, you need to understand one thing.
Once you started it, your symptom might look as if it got worse because your skin dries more but it is the process of healing.
As long as I know, healing tends to happen at the last minute of the entire process, meaning, I saw it was accelerated right before inpatients were discharged from hospital 45 to 90 days later. So I recommend that you don’t give up at the early stage. If your doctor diagnosed that your symptom is not dangerous, just keep drying your skin and follow the method precisely if you are trying NMT.
Hang in there….for a while. Things take time all the time.
Shrewed choice and insight are the point for your prompt recovery.
Healing will happen to you! Take good care of yourself!
There are comments from fellow sufferers of TSW who had tried NMT to see my blog introducing Dr. Sato’s method in the below topic. If you are interested in it,
👇 Click below site! 👇
It works! – No Moisturizing Treatment – For Topical Steroid Withdrawal Fellow Sufferers
If you haven’t heard NMT and would like to know it more or to see pictures of my symptoms,
👇 Click below site! 👇
If you’d like to see the pictures of children’s cure, click the site below. They are in the video.
👇 Click Here! 👇
***If you’d like to initiate NMT, this video that Dr. Kenji Sato has reviewed is a must-see to get correct protocol and to not prolong the symptoms.
Your strong determination, tremendous efforts to master NMT and perseverance are required to get expecte results (faster healing) with NMT.
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