*英語版ですが、脱保湿でよくなったお子さん達の ’経過写真’ のある日本のブログを紹介させて戴いています。
Today, let me introduce a blog written in Japanese for parents with AD (Atopic Dermatitis) children/babies or TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) ones.
It has children’s improved/healed pictures with NMT(No Moisturizing Treatment). 💝
The blog is from NMT super pediatrician, Dr. Mitsuko Satou‘s one of the parents’ groups called ‘Kyoto Kirakira Boshi’. 💕
All of them are written in Japanese but once you opened it, you can tell what I’d like to say. 😌
Just see the pics…
Imagine how parents were feeling/worrying until they see their babies’ healing.
Still, they kept being patient trusting this method and crossed the finish line successfully!!!😊
The baby in the first report was using prescribed Topical Steroids first to be seen by a doctor. And then stopped using them with our NMT super pediatrician, Dr. Mitsuko Satou.
(The explanation of the first report is under the post.)
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #2
*This report starts a pic with her 1 mo, 2 mo and 3 mo with TS.
*Then she stopped using TS and started NMT at 4 mo.
Started to be seen by Dr. Mitsuko Satou. The symptom is not regarded as a severe one.
*Then 5 mo. Intense itch. Not dried yet. Started eating food for nutrition.
*6 mo. Read Dr. Kenji Sato and Dr. Mitsuko Sato’s group’s posts and knew that healing would happen to let them scratch freely from a lot of experiencers’ comments. Became to be not so concerned about her scratching.
*7 mo. It started to dry sometimes. Got cellulite (foot). And then herpes (forehead)-Been prescribed antibiotic.
*8 mo. Sleeps 3-4 hrs continuously. Skin started to improve.
*9 mo. Not scratch so often. Eat well. Crusts are getting smaller.
*10 mo. Scratchs only when she cried or is hungry.
*11 mo. Not scratch so often but sometimes refrains to get red rush and get well again
* 1 yr. The skin is getting clearer. Still repeating to get a little rush and get well.
*1 yr 1 mo. Even if she scratched strongly, the skin doesn’t get scars. It is getting stronger. In winter, a little dry skin. (dry season in Japan.)
*1 yr 2 mo. – 4 mo. The cheeks are red but her condition is very good.
*1 yr 7 mo. (Last pic)
See another pics of baby’s improvement below. Then, 4 more reports are following.
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #4
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #6
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #5
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #1
Healed Children’s Report with NMT #3
The choice of which treatment you take is always up to you. You don’t need to explain to others or me that you can’t do this or that to not initiate NMT. No one needs such info…lol
If you think you can’t accomplish it, you don’t need to choose NMT. I don’t force anyone. You should take what you believe.
However, if you’d like to do NMT, please learn it ‘SERIOUSLY’☝️reading the information over and over because it requires accurate knowledge. You need to know what you have to do or shouldn’t do.
At the same time, to accomplish NMT, you have to forget about their symptoms, meaning, raise children without seeing affected parts and give them your biggest smile looking into their eyes. ☺️ I’m not a doctor but still, know the importance of the good indifference as an AD patient so I keep telling you the same thing with our super pediatrician, Dr. Mitsuko Satou. Forget about it. Ok? It is the key to your kids’/baby’s healing. Believe it or not, it is true.
Since it is more difficult to do NMT thoroughly for kids and babies, just do as much as possible but don’t mix other methods like applying moisturizers, adding bath additives, etc…
Per Dr. Kenji Sato’s book, only for kids and babies, doctors have to think about the exception to cope with their ‘strong pain’, especially in cases they got cracks in areas such as inside elbows or back of knees. Sometimes these are cases to apply Vaseline or some other ointments (not Topical Steroids or Protopic) and a piece of gauze/bandages. These areas are difficult to do NMT especially for kids due to pain so practice or remember the standard of this method in mind and do an exception. (The healing is faster without moisturizers but sometimes it is difficult for children.)
Also, as for splits in fingers, even adults get approval to fill a tiny bit of Vaseline or some ointments only ‘in‘ the cracks to diminish the strong pain. The transmission system above the palms (=fingers) is different from others. Again, to fill it only in the cracks on fingers is fine if you can’t stand the pain but don’t apply on the entire area. I didn’t do it since I prefer faster healing. (^_^)
Of course, doctor’s supervision and advice are needed always and crucial to get checkups or to prevent other/further illnesses. For babies, especially increasing body weight is so important for faster healing. Having a well-balanced diet is the key rule on NMT. Enough protein is needed to generate new healthy skin.
Immediately go to the doctor if you think your child has infections. Don’t ask non-medical professions to diagnose! Doctors are responsible to offer proper diagnosis, not caregivers.
I know it is VERY difficult to find out non-steroidal doctors but it is similar all over the world including Japan. As a caregiver, you need to learn how to address medical professions to get appropriate (necessary) support only.
Try to seek understanding doctors. It doesn’t need to be dermatologists. Pediatricians, physicians, etc….Your child/baby needs medical support.
Call receptionists first to ask if they can assist patients without TS to avoid stressful confrontation. There is no need to persuade steroidal doctors because it is almost impossible even in Japan too.
Imagine this. If you are asked to change your belief that you received from your hard work/learning, do you change your mind right away? The answer is obvious…lol Don’t waste your time. Try to find out other solutions to do your best.
(I sometimes receive messages regarding this. However, please think…Even if you asked me, I can’t change your country’s rules…LOL! Do what you can do now as much as possible. Just do your best.)
I also have many horrible experiences with steroidal doctors in Japan. I just didn’t complain or give up my research until I finally found NMT….for years.
If you are interested in NMT, please join the Facebook group NMT Education Group answering 3 questions. To protect group members, we definitely need your answers with the agreement.
NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) Education Group
The group was established to disseminate NMT and to help out TSW sufferers from Atopic Dermatitis/eczema all over the world not only to support anti-steroidal doctors but also to educate all people and professionals about TSW.
Due to limited staff, and the high volume of those in need of assistance, we are not providing personal support answering each individual’s questions. However, you can learn a lot from the site to read the admin’s comments and NMT doctors’ advice.
You also can see the chronological order of ‘before and after pictures’ in the other NMT official group, The NMT Healed Club.
The NMT Healed Club (Facebook)
(To get approval, please answer all 3 questions. We need your agreement to protect group members.)
Again, learn it seriously. Master the Do’s and Dont’s of NMT. Read everything again and again making a notebook because NMT doctors are not there with you. (That is why I shared the info to the world in English.) Caregivers’ such effort works for the fastest healing.
Well, as you know, parents don’t want to show kids’ pictures on the internet but this time, I got approval to share the blog for TSW sufferers. This means they are thinking about you.
You are not alone…!
Please don’t complain about your situation even if NMT doctors are not there. They also think about you. That’s why you are reading this info here. Focus on blessings!
After healing happened, hope you don’t stop this journey and can be brave like these children’s parents showing improved pics to help future children and to change the world. (You can cover kids’ faces, of course.)
Be positive. Enjoy childcare. 💖💖💖
Healing happens to your baby/child too.
Have a GREAT day!
#Tokuko’s Room to Feel Uplifted #tokukosroomtofeeluplifted