Thank you very much for waiting! English and Spanish subtitles for Dr. Mitsuko Satou‘s video Vol. 3 are ready now!
In Vol. 3, she suggests you sleep separately with your baby/child for their healing. The habits/customs are different in each country and in Japan, we definitely sleep together with babies and children. Still, she clearly says the habit of sleeping in separate rooms makes their symptoms improve. Believe it or not, healing happens. The reason is…You should watch this video definitely!
Vol. 1 Say ‘No!’ to Steroids – Prologue
Vol. 2 Tips for Curing Atopic Dermatitis in Babies and Children
Vol. 3 The Habit of Sleeping in Separate Rooms
Vol. 4 Let Them Scratch Freely
Dr. Mitsuko Satou, an NMT super pediatrician from Sakai city, Osaka, Japan ( Sato Pediatric Clinic), talks about how to heal/improve Atopic Dermatitis in the video series. She has been seeing tons of babies and children for decades and throughout her long career, she has been taking care of their Atopic Dermatitis without prescribing Topical Steroids for more than 25 years.
In fact, many children and babies are getting better or healed by believing in Dr. Mitsuko’s words and trusting her NMT protocol. Nowadays, a lot of parents learn her protocol and Dr. Kenji Sato‘s NMT, her husband, through my blogs seriously and it has been showing great results too all over the world. (Of course, you will be required perseverance and to learn it seriously for healing.)
I’m telling you because I keep seeing amazing results through my activities to help sufferers. Your child/baby will get better with it. It will heal in order from the baby/child who accomplished it…I just want you to know the existence of such a great treatment.
“If it is such a good treatment, it should have already spread in the world, right?”
You may have such a question. However, it is time that we have to know the current social structure. No matter how good the treatment, treatments that do not use the products of pharmaceutical companies can’t get great support from the academic society because academic societies are helped to manage their operation by pharmaceutical companies.
A lot of people in the world think that Japan is the advanced country for non-steroidal treatments for skin problems, however, our situation also is the same with your countries, meaning, majority of doctors choose steroidal treatments following the academic society’s direction.
This is why I started to share NMT from the patients’ side. I have been doing the activities to help sufferers on a non-profit basis but really want it to spread because it is a wonderful treatment. If we, successfully healed/improved sufferers, continue to share the protocol as experienced ones, many sufferers and future children may be saved…Dr. Mitsuko Satou and I present the video series with the passion to help patients/caregivers all over the world!
Hang in there! Healing happens to your child/baby too!
**YouTube channel Tokuko’s Room (YouTube) provides helpful NMT information.
Auto subtitles tend to make strange ones but since we share medical information, I always try to make Japanese subtitles first, then translate them into English. Then I add the English subtitles.
As for Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s video, one of the viewers, Ms. Liz Fiorella Minaya Luna, sends me the translation into Spanish (An amazing person who is trying to help suffered children in the world!💖). So I can add the Spanish subtitles too. It will be done one by one and it takes time since I do it by myself. Once I finished adding each subtitle, I’ll add the status in the description column at the bottom of the video.
Also, I post the status on Facebook and Twitter too.
As for other languages…sorry, please try to watch them with auto-translation. However, since I create Japanese subtitles thinking better auto-translation, it may be fine after I added Japanese subtitles. 😅
The bilingual voluntary translation is always welcome. Please let me know from the comment column at the bottom of this blog if you’d like to try it. Especially, from Japanese to English is VERY helpful. Let’s help sufferers in the world together! 😉