アーカイブ | 2021年10月21日

Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s YouTube Vol. 7 Has Been Released – Feeding

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Thank you very much for waiting!  Dr. Mitsuko Satou‘s video Vol. 7

has been uploaded and the translation into English is ready!



Her video is getting popular among parents who has children with

Atopic dermatitis or TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal)

since actual patients get well, so sufferers who have watched Dr. Mitsuko‘s

YouTube are really looking forward to seeing the new release.



I receive a lot of nice comments that say,

“Thank you SO much for making this wonderful video!”

“My daughter had been seen by Dr. Mitsuko in the past

and she can keep healthy and beautiful skin without steroids!”

“I can’t wait the next release!”



This time, she explains about ‘Feeding’ in an easy-to-understand manner.




Vol. 1 Say “No!” to Steroids – Prologue

Vol. 2 Tips for Curing Atopic Dermatitis in Babies and Children

Vol. 3 Habit of Sleeping in Separate Rooms

Vol. 4 Let Them Scratch Freely – 1

Vol. 5 Let Them Scratch Freely – 2

Vol. 6    Take Care of Children Looking at Their Eyes

Vol.7 Feeding



A lot of mothers prefer breastfeeding and they hope to

do it as much as possible or whatever it takes.

Of course, Dr. Mitsuko fully understands such feelings. 

Still, she explains the cases that you have to replace from

breast milk to formula one with her long experiences and

professional eyes as a pediatrician.



Do you want to cure your child’s dermatitis quickly?

Do you want to stick to breastfeeding only…?


Which one do you want to prioritize now?



There is nutrition that is deprived to repair


Not being able to get the necessary nutrition, sometimes

it can be fatal to a small baby.

As a mother, you should understand which will be a sound choice for your baby.



Dr. Mitsuko expresses very important information for mothers with a thousand

of thoughts because she also is a mother and knows how you feel very much.

Watch it taking notes, or review it over and over again

because people are forgetful creatures.  Please keep in mind for your child’s faster healing. 

Master the protocol and get well soon.

I’ll keep supporting you with Dr. Mitsuko thinking about you and your child’s healing. 

…You are not alone. 😉



Have a GREAT day!



P.S.  Since auto-translation is not very good, I try to add my translation into

English in the subtitles.  

Medical information should be correct/accurate, so it always takes a long time. 

I always add the status of completion of subtitles under the video in the

explanation column so please check it before you watch this video series. 

Of course, auto-translation for any other language is available so I hope

they work for anyone!



Copyright © 2021 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.



 👇 日本語バージョン 👇





Mix List/ PlayList of

Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s YouTube


To watch this series from Vol. 1 continuously (Recommended), please click

the below URL.  You can see them through Mix List (Playlist).

The Mix List of Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s YouTube ‘Say “No!” to Steroids’



P.S.  This video is beginning to attract attention from patients around the world.

Since auto subtitles tend to make weird translations, I always add Japanese

subtitles by myself considering to be transformed into decent automatic

translations when it becomes foreign languages.

In addition, due to the importance of providing medical information,

after adding Japanese subtitles, I carefully translate it into English and then

add English subtitles.

Also, a kind Australian subscriber, Ms. Liz Fiorella Minaya Luna, helped us to

translate my English into Spanish, so I can provide wonderful Spanish

subtitles too.

(As for other languages, sorry, but please use auto-translations. 

Bilingual people’s voluntary assistance is always welcome!)



This process usually takes a long time because providing medical information

should be correct and accurate, so right after the video has been released, I’m

afraid, it hasn’t been completed yet usually.

The progress will always be updated in the description

section below the video.


Thank you.