
“ما قد يعد بالترطيب ؟- للأصدقاء اللذين سيبدأون ب”العلاج من غير ترطيب

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What Can Be Moisturizers? – For Fellows Launching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment’◆ Arabic Version



“ما قد يعد بالترطيب ؟- للأصدقاء اللذين سيبدأون ب”العلاج من غير ترطيب


أنصح بطريقة الدكتور كنجي ساتو بالعلاج منغير ترطيب في البلوق للاشخاص اللذين يعانون من أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي لخبرتي الطويله مع الاكزيما والشفاء من أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي الشديده اللتي رافقتني مع (الاكزيما).


العلاج من غيرالترطيب هي طريقه للشفاء او التخلص من أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون***

الموضعي وليس الطريقه المثاليه للشفاء من الاكزيما . الى الان لم يستطيع البشر التوصل للسبب المرضي للاكزيما الا جين الفيلاجرين


كلما قمت بتحديث صفحتي اليابانيه بالانجليزيه وجدت الكثير من الاسئله والتعليقات من جميع انحاء العالم. وهذا يعني هنالك الكثير من الاشخاص اللذين يعانون من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي اللذين ضلو طريقهم في رحلتهم وهم فقط يريدون ويبحثون عن افضل تركيبه او خلطه للتخلص من اعراضهم الانسحابيه.


الكثير من الناس حاولو او جربو (الانسحاب من المرطبات) ولكن العلاج منغير ترطيب هي طريقه مختلفه وقاسيه جدا لان لا تجعل او تسمح لجلدك ان يترطب . هذه الطريقه طورت من قبل الدكتور ساتو لخبرته الطويله مع المرضى اللذين يعانون من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي .بعض الاطباء اعتمدو على نظريات مكتوبه مسبقا عن المرض ولم يرو هذه الحالات كثيرا  ولكن الدكتور ساتو كان يعالج ويرى مرضى الانسحاب من الكورتيزون يوميا في العياده ولهذا نظريته تعطي النتيجه الافضل للمرضى.

هو القائد او الزعيم ضد الكورتيزونات الموضعيه هنا في اليابان.



من الجدير بالذكر والملاحظه انه قد لاحظ مخاطر الكورتيزونات الموضعيه و مرهم البروتوبك والنيورال في بداية مسيرته الطبيه. هذه الحقيقه تجعلك تدرك مقدرته التشخيصيه. اذا تم فحصك من خلاله ستشعر بالاطمئنان والامان بمهارته وقوة ملاحظته بالتشخيص الدقيق .وبما انه من الصعب القدوم لليابان للناس في البلدان المجاوره ليتم تشخيصهم من خلال د.ساتو وبما ان كتابه لم يترجم بعد من اللغه اليابانيه , سأبقى أشارككم واتشارك معكم كل تفاصيل طريقته ومنهجه للناس والمرضى اللتي تعاني واللذين غير قادرين للقاء أطباء متمرسن وذو خبره عاليه بأعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي.




في المستشفى المرضى المنومين داخليا يتم اطلاق سراحهم من بعد 45 الى 90 يوما تقريبا.

قبل خروج المرضى اللتي انقضت فترة علاجهم عادة ما يقومون بزيارة المرضى المنومين داخليا في المستشفى ليشجعوهم , مما جعلني ارى ان حالاتهم افضل وتتحسن ,حقيقتا وبالواقع كان من الصعب ملاحظة الاجزاء المتضرره فيهم. ادركت وقتها ان الشفاء يأتي في نهاية مطاف العلاج ولكنها كانت اسرع مما توقعت.


خصوصا , حقيقة ان لا احد يضع اي كريمات او مراهم او زيوت او اي نوع من الترطيب ليشفى هكذا كانت مدهشه ومذهله بالنسبه لي .

اليوم سأحول ان اشرح ما نقصد بالمرطبات اللتي ذكرناها سابقا لننجز او نحصل على العلاج من غير ترطيب ولكن هذا فقط للاشخاص الجادين للبدأ بانجاز العلاج منغير الترطيب .

انها جدا قاسيه بدايتا لانك يجب ان تجفف جلدك الجاف اصلا وتبدو وكأنما الأعراض ستسوأ من بداية المطاف الى نهاية الطريق بالعلاج من غير  مرطبات.الجلد الجاف المغطى بالقشوريعطيك الشعورالمريع واللذي يبدو وكأنما الحاله تتفاقم بالنسبه لك كمريض , ولكن هذه الأعراض هي .علميا أحد مراحل عملية الشفاء



.الجلد يجب ان يجف قبل الشفاء

تذكر عندما تنجرح.ذالك الجزء المجروح يقوم بتكوين قشرة الجرح اولا,و تحت الجرح والقشره ,يكون قيد التكون جلد جديد ليدافع عن الجسم ومن البكتيريا بنفس الوقت.

بعد ما ينشف الجلد المتضرر لينتهي من تكوين جلد جديد صحي , القشره تقع من نفسها طبيعيا .

تخيل انك ترطب الجلد المجروح مرارا وتكرارا بالمرطبات, هذا يرطب و يثبط عملية تكون القشره والجلد الجديد تحتها للتتشافى.

تخيل هذا ,ان قمت بازالة القشره المتكونه على الجرح قبل ان يجف وفي منتصف عملية  الشفاء فانك ستقوم بتأخير عملية الشفاء لان الجسم عليه ان يكون قشره من جديد.وايضا ان رطبت الجزء المجروح من جديد فهو بمثابت ان تجعله مبلل.

لذالك عملية او طريقة العلاج من غير ترطيب هي نفس الشيء.

أكرر, الجلد يجب ان يجف قبل ان يشفى.



قبل ان تقوم بقرائة ماهو الترطيب. رجائا خذ نظره على أحدد بوستاتي او منشوراتي لتعرف ماهو العلاج من غير ترطيب

(أضغط على الموقع في الأسفل (مساحة توكيوكو لتشرق وترتفع وتنهض

خلص من أعراض الانسحاب من الاستوريد الموضعي (الكورتيزون الموضعي) بأسرع وقت ممكن




كيف تتخلص من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي.

محاربي التخلص من الكورتيزون الموضعي ,أرى الكثبر من المحاربين من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي.






دعوني اشرح لكم ما قد يعد او يعتبر ترطيب لتنجزالعلاج من غير



في عقول العالم  , بما ان  الجلد الجاف يولد الشعور بالحكه ينصحك الاطباء بوضع المرطبات . وبما انها تتزايد حمى اللترطيب وما يعكس سلوك المجتمع والقيم السائده هي لاستراتجيات تسويقيه.

على العموم لا تضع أي من المراهم  او الكريمات او الزيوت او اي مرطب اخر في العلاج من غير ترطيب , أعني لا تضع أي شيء على جلدك خلال .عملية العلاج من غير ترطيب


أذا كنت من المعانين من الأكزيما و تعاني من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون , من السهل عليك تخيبل كم هو من الصعب وقاسي هذا الموضوع ان لا تضع اي شي على الجلد .كنت متخوفه قبل البدء وكانت قاسيه الحرب ضد الالم لمده بعد البدأ. كل المعانون من الاكزيما واعراض الانسحاب لديهم جلد جاف لذالك ان تركت المكان جاف , سيحصل الكثير من التشققات هنا وهناك….كلنا نعرف ذالك.

وبالواقع ,هذا سوف يعمل بشكل جيد و جميل جدا .ستقوم بتجفيف جلدك الجاف منغير ان تضع عليه اي شيء . وهو البروتوكول الاساسي او طريقة الاساسيه لهذا العلاج.



.وكذالك ,هذه الطريقه لا تعني فقط تجفيف جلدك فقط بل الامتناع من اخذ الدشات او الاستحمام قدر المستطاع

الاستحمام سيزيل عناصر الترطيب الداخليه وايضا يعتبر ترطيب بنفس الوقت.لذالك ان اردت اتباع هذه الطريقه في العلاج يجب عليك التقليل من الاستحمام قدر المستطاع , وان اردت الاستحمام فاليكون باسرع وقت ممكن.

أظنك تخيلت وكانها “5 ألى10  دقائق”….للاسف لا.


يقول دكتور ساتو احياننا “مصرحلك ب ثانيتان “….يحب المزاح ولكنه جاد نوعا ما . هذا يعني اننا يجب ان ننهيها بسرعه.



 خلال تواجدنا في المستشفى كنا نستحم مره كل 3 الى 4 ايام وكنا نحاول ان ننتهي من الاستحمام بأجزاء من الثانيه.

ايضا ليس هناك احد يغسل وجهه حتى في الصباح .علينا ان نجفف جلدنا لتوليد عناصر الترطيب بأنفسنا بنفس الوقت .

اذا كانت اعراضك شديده ,بالطبع لن تقوم بالاستحمام اكيد لانك ستقوم بازالة البروتينات من على سطح الجلد في الماء . القشور والسوائل المرتشحه مكونه من بروتين وهذا غذاء مهم لانتاج جلد جديد . ليس عليك ان تخسرها.



يقول دكتور ساتو . السبب الرئيسي للاستحمام هو للتقليل من البكتيريا الضاره من على الجلد. وبنفس الوقت الاستحمام الكثير يجعلك تغسل و تفقد المواد المضاده للبكتيريا وتفقد الترطيب الطبيعي من الجلد.

 ايضا عندما تستحم احرص ان لا يكون ضغط الماء عالي يجب ان يكون ضغط الماء اقل ما يكون.



قبل ان اعرف هذه الطريقه , عندما كانت اعراضي شديه جدا وكنت استريح في المنزل في السرير كنت اقوم بالاستحمام كل يوم ولم اكن ادري انه عمل  خطير جدا .

كانت الماء يتحول لونها لابيض لان جميع القشور اللتي كانت تغطي جسمي سقطت تحت الدوش والسوائل المرتشحه ايضا في الماء .

عندما دخلت المستشفى ليفحصني دكتور ساتو كنت اعرف اني افقد البروتينات بشكل شديد (هايبوالبيومينيا). وكأنها كانت تحدث كلما اشتدت اعراضي الانسحابيه من الكورتيزون لاني كنت احس بتعب وارهاق شديد في جسدي واللتي لم انتبه عليها وحتى الاطباء اللذين كنت اراهم لم يلاحظو هذا.

تبين لي عند دخولي المستشفى انها احد اهم واكبر واول سبب للمرض في حالتي اللتي كانت شديده جدا لاعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون .

لهذا انصحكم دائما بأن يراكم طبيب احياننا للمراجعه والفحص العام .لان هناك جانب طبي دائما يجب التشييك عليه عندما تشتد حالتك دائما ومنها تشخيص العدوى البكتيريه.

اتفهم شعوركم بانه يشعركم بالراحه ازالة القشور والسوائل المرتشحه ذات الرائحه الكريهه عند الاستحمام , ولكن الامتناع عن الاستحمام المستمر مهم جدا ليعزز ويشجع الشفاء . والاكثار من الاستحمام قد يكون خطير ايضا.



الينابيع الساخنه

تعد ترطيب ايضا

كل دوله لها تقاليدها غير الينابيع (كالساونا وغيرها) وكما لدينا ينابيع ساخنه في اليابان لنستمتع بها كتقاليد , لكن دكتور ساتو لا ينصح بها ايضا.

كما انه هناك بعض الاطباء حتى اللذين ضد اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون ولا يؤمنون بها ينصحون ب الينابيع الساخنه كخبراء, انا اتفق مع النظريه ان الينابيع الحاره تعد وقد تكون احد انواع الترطبات   . قد تبدو وتشعر بالارتياح بعد الاستحمام بالينابيع الحاره وذالك لوجود مركبات مفيده للجلد فيها , ولكن لا تفعلها حتى يأتي اليوم اللذي تشعر فيه انك تشافيت , ومع ذالك لا انصح بهذا. اعدوها كمرطبات.

لا ادري ما هي العادات في كل بلد ولكن اذا نزلت في ماء ساخن او استحممت به  فهذا سيولد الشعور بالحكه بالعاده , لذالك الى ان تتحسن التقيد يعد قرار حكيم . هذا التقييد هو خيار وان احببت ان تفعلها ففعلها بسرعه لكي لا تشعر بالحكه.



قدر المستطاع حاول ان لا تستخدم الصابون , وعند الحاجه للصابون اختار الصابون القطع وليس الصابون السائل . وايضا لا تستخدم الصوابين اللتي مكتوب عليها انها جيده للجلد الحساس او المكتوب عليها انها جيده للاكزيما او اللتي مكتوب عليها منغير مواد اضافيه او المكتوب عليها غنيه بالمرطبات …الخ , لان هذه الصوابين لها تأثير الترطيب .

عندما يصنعون الصابون السائل يستخدمون مواد تقلل الشد السطحي . اتعرف ماهي هذه المواد هي مواد مصنعه من مواد بيتروكيميائيه .

وايضا , الصابون السئل يبقى على جلدك حتى لو احسست انك غسلته جيدا.



استخدام الشامبو ايضا لا يوصى به

يعد ترطيب

اغسل شعرك بماء معتدل الحراراه فقط , منغير استخدام الشامبو.

اذا اردت ان تستخدم الشامبو ولا بد , فاستخدم الصابون القطع واستخدم الرغوه بدل الشامبو.

بعد ان تتحسن يمكنك استخدام الشامبو وليس الشامبوهات اللتي تحتوي على مواد نشطه سطحيا او بلسم او علاج.


لقد تم التلاعب بنا باستراتيجيات تسويقيه من الشركات  وجميعنا نستحم يوميا ونستخدم الشامبو يوميا , غير ان البشر بطبيعتهم لم يفعلو هذا بكثره بالأصل . أقصد لم نكن نستحم بهذه الكثره من زمن بعيد .هذا فعل وطريقة الشركات بغرض بيع المنتجات .



عندما تتخيل قيود عدم الاستحمام ستقلق بشأن الرائحه اللتي تسبببها البلازما المرتشحه من الجلد , بما انها تحتوي على بروتينات ومواد مهمه جدا فسيكون رائحتها سيئه , للأسف ليس هناك مخرج. 

وبما ان البروتين عنصر مهم جدا للعمل لانتاج جلدك الجديد وهو مهم لشفائك بتأكيد.

رجائا لا تغسل السوائل المرتشحه فقط قم بتنشيف الاجزاء المتضرره.

بعدما ينشف السائل المرتشح ويجف , اعرف انك ستحس برغبه شديده جدا للحك وستقوم بحكه لا محاله ومع ذالك جفف المنطقه مره اخرى لا تمسحها لتزيلها نهائيا .سيحدث هذا مرارا وتكرارا في العمليه .

أعادة هذه العمليه , جلدك يصبح أقوى لحسن الحظ فعليا . العمليه صعبه اعرف وانك سوف تقوم بتوبيخ نفسك كل مره تقوم فيها بالحك وازالة جميع القشور المتكونه رغم هذا الجلد يجب ان يجف قبل الشفاء.

اذا وضعت المرطبات فانها ستعيق الشفاء. دكتور ساتو يعرف انه مرض ان تشعر بالحك ولذالك لا بأس من ان تحك.


وتذكر ازالة او مسح السوائل المرتشحه يعد ترطيب وسيجعله اصعب عليك لان يجف الجلد .



بعد التمارين , ماذا علينا ان نفعل؟

دكتور ساتو ينصح ان تمارس الرياضه يوميا لتسرع وتعزز عملية الأيض . هذا يساعد بتكوين جلد جديد.

في حال انك تعرقت , هل تظن انك تستطيع ان تستحم يوميا؟

…لا . مع هذا استحم كل 3 الى 4 ايام . فقط قم بتجفيف جلدك طبيعيا.


بالنسبه للعرق امتصه كما انك تلمس جلدك برفق بمنشفه قطن لتمتصه. رجاءا لا تفرك  بالمنشفه.

في المستشفى الجميع يمارس الرياضه يوميا ويتعرقون بالعاده .

(حتى في الصيف , هم فقط يقومون بتنشيف وتجفيف المنطقه طبيعيا او بمنشفه قطن ( مره اخرى لا تفرك . فقط المس الجلد برفق

شرحت هذا سابقا بقولي اني لم اكن استطيع المشي من شدة الاعراض اللتي كنت اعاني منها عند دخولي المستشفى وبعد فتره , استطعت ان امشي ببطأ . لذالك لم استطيع ان اتتمرن يوميا , رغم ذالك الجميع يستطيع خلال 90 يوم



كل مره اشرح بها عن التعرق وعدد مرات الاستحمام  يسئلني البعض عن ” اشعر بالحكه بعد التعرق لذالك لا استطيع ان افعل هذا . ماذا علي ان افعل”

اتفهم شعورك الجميع مثلك نعم اتشاركك الرئي ….ولكن…لا اريد ان اسمع ماذا لا تستطيع ان تفعل , لانك يجب ان تفعل الاشياء اللتي تستطيع ان تفعلها فقط لذالك لا تعطيني مبررات عن ما لا تستطيع ان تفعل

ها انا اقول لك ان اتبعت ارشادات وخطوات دكتور ساتو تماما وبعنايه , قلت لك في الأعلى المعانين من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون يرون الفرق والتحسن خلال 45 الى 90 يوم.جميع مرضاه اللذين كانو عنده في المستشفى يشهدون عللى الشفاء السريع والعاجل.

بمعنى اخر , باتباعنا هذا البروتوكول او الطريقه بصرامه ,سنستطيع ان نتخلص من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون في هذا الاطار الزمني .

اذا لم تستطيع ان تلتزم بهذا , الشفاء سيأخذ وقت اطول من هذا . بلا زياده او نقصان . لك حرية اختيار طريقة العلاج. استطيع فقط ان أشرح الخطوات او الطريقه واستطيع ان اقول انه كلما التزمت وكنت صارم في اتباع الارشادات ممكن ان تكون الاسرع لتخطي هذه المرحله

لكل منا ظروفه ووضعه فلا تزعل ولا تقلق كثيرا بان لا تستطيع ان تفعلها .

على الاعموم ان شعرت بالرغبه بالحك بعد التعرق يمكنك ان تغتسل لخمس ثواني تقريبا وانا انصح بهذا . انا لا امزح . نتبع ارشادات صارمه في المستشفى لهذا نتخطى اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون بسرعه.




هذا قد يبدو مفاجء لكم لكن ان تضع قطعة قماش طبي سميكه او الكثير من الضمادات فهذا قد يعد ترطيب

تتفهم ان جلدك يحتوي على رطوبه ومرطبات داخله , اليس كذالك؟

اذا غطيت او لفيت المكان بضماد فلن يستطيع جلدك تبخير الرطوبه عن طريق الجلد.

بروتوكول او طريقة العلاج من غير مرطبات هي تجفيف المكان المتضرر وتحفيزه لتكوين جلد جديد, لذالك لا تضع اي شيء عليه لا شاش ولا ضماد.

لا مانع ان تضع قطعة شاش طبي صغيره ولكن قصها على حجم الجزء المتضرر فقط في حال ان جسمك غير قادر على تكوين قشره لترشح الكثير من السوائل منه . توضع كقشره فقط لذا قعطعه وطبقه واحده فقط في اية حال.

عندما تبدأ تنفصل وتقشر من الجوانب قم بقص الاجزاء الناشفه فقط ولا تنزع الجزء الباقي المتصل بالجلد كما هو.

تستطيع ان تستحم بقطعة الشاش لا مانع وتستطيع تركها على الجلد لمدة اسبوع

.يجب غسل الشاش الطبي قبل الاستخدام ذالك لمنع تهيج الجلد اتجاهه وتطهيره***



حتى لو كان منظر جلدك سيء جدا ,لا تضع اي شيء ولا حتى ضماد , فقط قم بتجفيفه.

بعمري لم اجرب او  اتبع هكذا علاج في جميع سنوات معاناتي مع الاكزيما . كنت اضع الكورتيزونات الموضعيه او اي شيء عندما كانت تسوء الحاله في الماضي واضع الضماد على جلدي المسلوخ. كان هذا علاج منطقي بالنسبه لي لمشاكل الجلد.

مع ذالك , هذه الطريقه تحدت ورفضت العلاج التقليدي . كانت مفاجئه كبيره بالنسبه لي لان الجلد كان يتكون اسرع من اي طريقة علاج اخرى.



خلال أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون قد تشعر انك ترتجف من البرد

ومع هذا ان تبقى داخل بطانيه سميكه او غطاء سميك يعتبر ترطيب


عندما تنام , من الصعب ان لا تشعر بالبرد ولكن عير او وازن درجة حرارة الغرفه وحاول ان لا تبقى في السرير طوال اليوم , لانه بالتأكيد يعد ترطيب .

حتى ان كنت تلبس معطف سميك او ملابس سميكه ..الخ  …هذا يعد ترطيب ايضا.

هل مللت وتعبت من سماع  هذه الشروط والقيود الصارمه ؟….اتفهم شعورك لاني مررت بنفس الظروف اللتي كانت تجعلني اصفق اسناني ببعض من شدة الرجف من البرد ,ولكن ان حققت هذا ف الشفاء سيكون اسرع .أعدك.



جريان الهواء داخل الثياب ايضا مهم

الهواء المحمل بالرطوبه بالنسبه لدرجة حراراة جسمك يعتبر ترطيب

في مستشفى هنان شو , كنت ارتدي تي شيرت قطن كبيرو واسع و رقيق وشورت قطن رقيق وواسع  . المرضى الداخليين لا ينصحو ولا يسمح لهم لبس ملابس سميكه .الملابس اللتي تسمح بمرور وتدفق الهواء  بسهوله هي المثاليه.

اذا كنت تضع التيشيرت او القميص داخل البنطال , هذا قد يعد ترطيب ايضا. تعرف ما أقصد ؟

فكر في هذا الهواء يمر داخل ملابسك طوال الوقت ليجفف الجلد.  أرئيت؟ هذا العلاج كم هو قاسي.



بسبب السوائل المرتشحه , قد تضع او تلبس منشفه حول عنقك ولكن هذا يعتبر ترطيب ايضا..

قبل ان اعرف اي شيء عن العلاج من غير ترطيب , كنت اضع منشفه سميكه حول عنقي بسبب تساقط وتقطر السوائل المرتشحه, على العموم ان كانت تتساقط فقط قم بامتصاص القطرات المتساقطه بقطعة قماش طبي برقه ولطف ونشف او جفف السطح بارتداء قميص قطن مفتوح القبه او الياقه لتجف المنطقه بالهواء.

اكرر , السوائل المرتشحه المتسربه  مهمه للشفاء, لا تمسحها او تزيلها ابدا .



القمصان ذات الياقه المرتفعه او المدوره تعتبر ترطيب ايضا

.حاميات الوجه والماسكات تعتبر ترطيب ايضا 



 المعانون من أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون يفضلون ان يزيلو وينزعو القشور المتكونه نفعل هذا لنجعل الجلد لين وقابل للانثناء وهذا يعد ترطيب وسيأخر عملية الشفاء ان فعلته.



التقييد وحصر كمية الماء الداخله للجسم لها دور كبير في عملية الشفاء

اذا شربت او اخذت الكثير من الماء ,ففائض السوائل سيبقى في الطبقه تحت الجلد وقد تكون احد مسببات الوذمات والتنفخ والتورم وايضا يعد ترطيب.

خصوصا لا تشرب الكثير من الماء في المساء وقبل ذهابك للنوم .

تناقشة مع دكتور ساتو بالنسبه للتقيد بحصر الماء المشروب او الداخل للجسم ,قبل هذا لاني اتلقى الكثير من الاسئله عن هذا الموضوع . في الاسفل ترجمتي لشرحه

(كمية الماء تتضمن الماء الموجوده في الفواكه , الزبادي, الجلو , او الطعام بوجه عام …الخ , وليس فقط الماء المشروب)




التقيد وحصر كمية الماء لل معانين من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون تقريبا من 1000 ال 1500 مل/في اليوم الواحد للاشخاص اللذين يزنون بين 50 – 60 كجم. ولا بأس ب 1300 الى 1800 مل/في اليوم الواحد للاشخاص اللذين يزنون بين 80 الى 90 كجم.

على العموم ان كنت تعاني من  احمرار الجلد على كامل الجسد او نسبه كبيره من الجسد فلى بأس  يسمح ب 20% زياده في شرب

اذا تعرقت جدا بعد ان تتمرن , تستطيع زيادة شرب المياه .تستطيع شرب 500 مل اذا فقدت 500 جرام . وكذالك ان تعرقت جدا وامتصه قميصك فجف فعليك حساب ذالك ايضا.



(شكرا دكتور ساتو ! هذا افضل شرح لنا)



اتمنى ان اساعد اكبر كم من المعانين من أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزن الموضعي  لأني أعرف كم هو صعب وقاس. لهذا السبب أأخذ بعض الوقت لاشارككم المعلومات رغم ان لغتي الأم ليس’ انجليزيه ولي الشرف ان استطعت ان اساعد اكبر كم من البشر.

بما انك ستتحمل الصعوبات والتحديات اللتي ستمر بها من خلال هذا العلاج لفتره وستصبح وكما انها ستسوء خلال مرحلة التنشيف , لدي تساؤل.

الفكره ….انك اذا لم تتبع التعليمات بدقه او انك ستضيف طريقتك المعتاده , فالعلاج منغير ترطيب يجب ان يتم بدقه ,الشفاء سيتأخر. او ان لم يكن لديك الصبر الكافي لتتحمل بعض الالم بسبب الوضع القاسي وستتوقف في منتصف العلاج اللذي يشبه التفاقمفلن تتعلم كم هو رائع. وبعدها ان اعلنت “هذا لم يكن جيد ….ولم ينجح معي : بنفس هذه الطريقه في الأعلى:  الكثير من المعانون من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون الموضعي سيوفوتون فرصة معرفة كم هي من طريقه رائعه وعظيمه .


رجاء تذكر انك المسؤل عن هذا فان كان عندك رغبه قويه لتنجز هذا , انصح بشده ان تأخذ هذه الفرصه اقرأ الشرح والتفاصيل بدقه.انها اسرع طريقه للتتخلص ن اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون وتستطيع ان تكون شاها عندها .

 وبالاضافه , وكما كنت اقول دوما, هذا يجب ان يتم تحت اشراف او مراقبة طبيب كمراجعه وفحص عام . اذا كانت اعراضك شخصة ب(ليست خطيره) :فقط تحلى بالصبر الى ان يتم ويحدث الشفاء .فقط انتظر . فقد تكرر الحك ثم التجفيف , حك ثم تجفيف والحك ثم التجفيف…ولكن جلدك يصبح أقوى شيئ فشيئ , الشفاء سيحصل لك .

دكتور ساتو يعرف انه مرض الحك والحك لست قادر على السيطره عليه وهو غير قابل للسيطره.لا تستطيع ان تفعل شيئ اتجاهه. يقول لا بأس ان تحك جلدك لان هذا المرض له اعراض وهي الحك. هذه هي طبيعة المرض.حك وجفف , حك وجفف ثم حك وجفف…ولكن اخر حكه فلتكن بلطف على الأقل. جلدك سيصبح اقوى تدرجيا.


تستطيع الحك خلال العلاج من غير ترطيب . اكرر للجميع يمكنك ان تحك جلدك لان ليس هناك احد يستطيع ان يتحكم بهذا . لا تحبط او تشعر بالسوء اتجاه نفسك بعد الحك.

رجاءا لا تركز على مراقبة الاجزاء المتضرره في جسمك فقط . بل ايضا انظر للاجزاء اللتي تحسنت . لا تتوقع شفاء 100 % في اي حال. لا تقارن بينك وبين احد .

هكذا تفكير سيساعدك بالشفاء .

هل لاحظت ان هنالك دائما اشياء جميله هنا وهناك ؟ حتى في وضعك الحالي , هنالك الكثير.تذكر انك في تمر في هذه التجربه والرحله لترى الجمال حولك رغم المعاناه والالم .


اليوم سيكون قريب .ثق بقدرة جسمك الطبيعيه للشفاء.

تعلق بهذا :حظا سعيدا


Written by Tokuko Abfab

Translated by Omar Shaikh Debs


Baikal lake

****رجاء لا تسيء فهم هذا الشيء ولا تفهمه بشكل خاطء . ليس هنالك معطيات او بيانات في العالم عن مدا تردد او تكرر  او تواتر أعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون وليس هناك احد يستطيع ان يثبته , اذا لم يحدث ذالك للأبد.انه الجانب السيء المخيف  للاعراض الجانبيه للأدويه .ولكنك تستطيع ان تشفى باسرع وقت من اعراض الانسحاب من الكورتيزون بهذه الطريقه.

وايضا هذا لا يعني انها تستطيع ان تغير تركيبة جسمك الطبيعيه او مرضك الاساسي رغم ذالك جميعنا يشعر بتحسن اكثر من قبل .



👇 Original English Version is here! 👇

What can be Moisturizers? – For fellows launching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’


👇 Russian Version is here! 👇


Что может являться увлажнением? – Для пациентов, начинающих «Безводную терапию» (на англ. No Moisturizing Treatment – NMT)


👇 Japanese Version is here! 👇

Japanese Version

今から本気で、脱保湿 ♪ - 自宅で脱ステ中の皆さんへ



★Video Version of ’How to Get Over Topical Steroid Withdrawal ASAP!  ★

***If you’d like to initiate NMT, this video that Dr. Kenji Sato has reviewed is a must-see to get correct protocol and to not prolong the symptoms.

Your strong determination, tremendous efforts to master NMT and perseverance are required to get expecte results (faster healing) with NMT.

**Your support for translation is always welcome! 
We do all activities on a nonprofit basis including YouTube.



#Tokuko’s Room to Feel Uplifted    #tokuko’sroomtofeeluplifted   #arabic  #TSW  #NMT  #atopicdermatitis  #nomoisturizingtreatment

English Subtitle Is Ready On My Third YouTube Post! – ‘What Can Be Moisturizers on NMT?’

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Thank you very much for waiting, everyone!

The 3rd video of my YouTube channel Tokuko’s Room is ready for the English Subtitle!

This time, I explain, What Can Be Moisturizers on NMT?’ from my experience to have learned NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) at Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan.


For those who still can’t get expected results though they started NMT…

For those who think that they are doing NMT strictly but feel as if getting worse…


Such people might not be doing NMT, moisturizing the skin without noticing.  Or sometimes I see people who mixed other methods misunderstanding that they were aggravated and are doing a different way from NMT.


To see this video, you’ll understand what I mean to say, “Do it thoroughly.”😉


If you’d like to know ‘How to change the subtitles into your language’, it is at the bottom of the below post. 👇

How To Choose Subtitles Into Your Language

Or in the other blog of mine. 👇

How to Change the Language of YouTube Subtitles



Auto-translated subtitles look kind of strange sometimes because our language is very unique.  Still, you can guess what I’d like to say.  Hope it will be a help for you.

Unfortunately, I have seen completely wrong auto-translation from Japanese to English sometimes in the past  (=The worst case had the completely opposite meaning) so I create Japanese subtitles and then translate them into English.  I’ll try at least these two languages…as much as possible. 

Dr. Kenji Sato also is eagerly hoping to disseminatecorrect knowledge only‘ regarding NMT to help people who suffer from TSW in the world, so voluntary translation into your language in the site is always welcome. 

***You can add your translated subtitles voluntary from the Setting>>>Subtitles>>>Add Subtitles>>>Select Your Language>>>Add translated subtitles.

If you can join me to help the people who suffer from TSW with translation, please let me know from the comment column below.


I will keep providing helpful information for your healing.  Please watch this by making Your Personal Notebook.  You do NMT without NMT doctors there so your correct knowledge will help you.

Subscribe to my channel Tokuko’s Room to master NMT.’

(Click the bird mark  at the top on the screen to subscribe!)


Don’t forget to hitLikebelow the video if this was helpful for you😉. It will give me the energy to go next😍!


Hang in there, dear friends…

Healing happens to you too.  Have a GREAT NMT day!





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Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT◆ Chinese Version




今天,让我向患有 “异位性皮炎(湿疹,英文简称AD)”或者“激素依赖性皮炎(又名类固醇反弹、激素脸、红皮症,英文简称TSW)的婴幼儿们的父母们介绍一个日文博客(部落格)。

这个博客包括儿童使用无激素无保湿的治疗法 (又称无类固醇无保湿的治疗,英文简称NMT) 的一些进步的/治愈的照片💝














体験記 No.2


















体験記 No.4



体験記 No.6



体験記 No.5



体験記 No.1



体験記 No.3











根据佐藤健二医生的书,只有对婴幼儿患者,医生才必须考虑一些例外,以处理他们 的“严重疼痛”,特别是例如他们在手肘窝或者膝盖后侧等一些区域出现裂口的一些情况。有的时候,这些情况可以涂一些凡士林或者一些其他油膏(不是外用激素药膏或者普特皮(免疫抑制剂)药膏),并放一片纱布/绷带。由于疼痛,特别是对于儿童,这些区域是很难执行NMT的,所以请实践或记住这个方法的标准做法,和执行一些例外。(不擦保湿霜治愈的更快,但是有时候对于儿童来说是很难的。)




















如果你对NMT感兴趣,请加入脸书(Facebook)的 NMT教育小组”(NMT Education Group并回答3个问题。为了保护组员们,我们肯定需要你认同的回答。


NMT(No Moisturizing Treatment)Education Group


成立这个小组是为了推广NMT帮助世界各地的TSW患者们摆脱“异位性皮炎/湿疹”,不仅是为了支持那些反对使用激素的医生们也是为了教育大众和专家们关于 “ 激素依赖性皮炎TSW





你还可以在其他的NMT官方小组上看到一些有时间顺序的“前后对比照片”,” NMT痊愈俱乐部The NMT Healed Club













请充满正能量。享受育儿。 💖💖💖






Written by Tokuko Abfab

Translated by Joyce Fang



Copyright © 2019 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.


English Version

Original article:

Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT




婴幼儿“无激素 、无保湿的治疗法”的一些重要窍门

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The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children◆ Chinese Version






























由于脱水,会出现电解质平衡紊乱(钠:下降/ 钾:上升)。





因为这个确凿的证据,和她作为儿科医生治疗 AD婴幼儿们(同时包括TSW和NMT)的近50年的经验,她强烈建议,如我上述所提,要比通常情况更早的开始宝宝辅食。她的建议是由确凿的证据支持的。




  1. 食物过敏异位性皮炎(湿疹)完全不相关。
  2. 即使儿童的血液测试显示有过敏反应,也和他们吃食物时产生的过敏反应完全不是一回事。
  3. 日本大阪近畿大学儿科的压力测试的证据表明,80%的病人们没有显示过敏反应
  4. 即使宝宝们有皮肤敏感(由皮肤显示的过敏反应)问题,如果他们能吃的下,也是没有问题的






由于有些读者询问 NMT的依据以上是我作为曾经一名TSW的患者,尽自己最大可能翻译的其中一部分的内容



这个治疗方法的程序看起来简单,但实际上对于父母们和孩子们都是非常艰难的,明白这点很重要。因此,父母们需要有强烈的决心以实现 NMT













  1. 让孩子们夜晚独自睡觉
  2. 让他们自由的抓痒
  3. 照顾并看向他们的眼睛。(享受陪伴宝宝,而不是过度的关注他们异位性皮炎(湿疹)/皮肤的问题
  4. 让他们吃的营养充足
  5. 让他们尽可能多的运动玩耍。(这会加速生成新的皮肤






























你可能会想,我做不到! 或者我不喜欢那一部分!或者我不同意这一条……”然而,请明白这是你的个人选择。如果你不同意,那么你不应当选择NMT。NMT医生们只是为了你孩子的治愈,向你提供有帮助的信息。


























Written by Tokuko Abfab

Translated by Joyce Fang


Copyright © 2019 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.


☟These 2 videos below also are must-sees for parents!☟

The Mix List (Playlist) of Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s YouTube

It’s Ok To Let Your Child or Baby Scratch Freely!



☟These 3 articles below are written for adults but to know the concept of NMT, they are must-reads. ☟


How to get over Topical Steroid Withdrawal asap!

What can be Moisturizers? – For fellows launching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’

What would happen after you recovered from TSW? How your Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema would heal?


Copyright © 2019 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.




English Version 原文链接

The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children

(link of original artile)原文链接:http://tokuko.chu.jp/tokukonoheya/2019/05/08/the-key-tips-of-nmt-for-babies-and-children/?fbclid=IwAR35D7Bjpl9tLdzSaEgKEDblogNznzXTjBC4jKJzQlq3oCtFG46B6nbGP4c

The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children



Chinese Version



Arabic Version

خلص من أعراض الانسحاب من الاستوريد الموضعي (الكورتيزون الموضعي) بأسرع وقت ممكن


Spanish Version

Cómo superar el rebote de esteroides tópicos lo antes posible


Dutch Version

Hoe je zo snel mogelijk geneest van TSW of Topical Steroid Withdrawal!




Received a Message From Dr. Kenji Sato! – Water Restriction on NMT (For Adults)

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I’m honored to be able to provide a great message from Dr. Kenji Sato at Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan to the readers of this blog all over the world!  To read his message below, you’ll realize that you are super lucky to be this blog’s reader!

As most of the readers know, Dr. Sato is the advocate of NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) that draws attention to TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) sufferers worldwide having remarkable results for more than 3 decades in Japan and then all over the world.

Today’s topic is regarding Water Restriction and it will be VERY helpful for all TSW sufferers.



Anyone with experience of limiting water is convinced that it has a great effect on healing.  However, once you start to try it, you’ll realize that the protocol is not only tough but also notice there are some parts that you have to judge by yourself.  So you are required accurate knowledge about it learning it seriously to achieve it.


Below is the explanation that is provided for readers of this blog by Dr. Kenji Sato and translated by me.




About Water Restriction on NMT (For Adults)◆

                                                                                         -Written by Dr. Kenji Sato


How Much Water Do Human Bodies Need?】


An average Japanese weighs about 60 kg.  If such an average person fasts for any reason in the hospital, he/she has to be infused 2000-2500 ml fluid daily, meaning, if you don’t eat and drink anything, you need this amount of water.  If your weight is higher, your water intake must increase accordingly.



The Amount of Water Contained Inpatients’ Meals


The total amount of water (ml) contained in inpatients’ meals that is served three times a day at Hannan Chuo Hospital (including milk in the morning and soup for lunch and dinner) is estimated at 70-80% of kilocalories in food.  For example, a 2000 kcal meal would have 1400 – 1600 ml water in it.  Therefore, the amount of water in food does not reach the required amount (2000 – 2500 ml).  If you consume 1500 ml of water contained in your meal, you need to take 500-1000 ml more fluid except your meal.

If you disregard the water contained in the meal, your water intake could be much more than planned, so if you had a meal that contains a lot of water such as soup, your water intake may be too high even if you strictly monitor and limit your fluid intake.  Consequently, we must consider water in meals.

Overhydration at home tends to occur often in this way.



Water Loss Due to Sweating 


You get sweaty when you exercise.  In my experience, exercising for about an hour in the hot season, I lose about 1 kg usually, meaning, I lose approximately 1000 ml water from my body due to expiration (=exhalation) from the lung and sweating.  This reduced amount of water must be replenished.  If water is not replenished, you will be dehydrated and it is very dangerous.  In dehydration, the density of salt in the blood becomes abnormally high, so you may get neurological symptoms such as strong thirst, headache and lightheadedness, etc…



Check the Color of Urine and Degree of Thirst to See If Water Restriction Goes Well   

If your water intake is too high and unmonitored, the color of your urine will be clear.  And conversely, if you do the water restriction too much, it will be reddish-yellow.  To keep normal yellow urine, don’t drink fluid in a gulp but sip little by little in small portions.

When it is difficult to calculate the water intake, you can judge it with the degree of your dry mouth. You should always feel a little thirsty.



Other Notes】  


1.The reason for practicing water restriction for TSW is to prevent followings:

A large amount of water intake causes an increase in the amount of exudate (ooze).

Your skin is easily damaged with too much water intake.


2.You should avoid drinking fluid at night as much as possible.  Do not intake fluid after dinner to the next morning.


3.If the erythema occupies a large area of your body, as it evaporates more water from the surface of the skin than having it on a smaller area, you need to take a little more fluid intake.


4.If you have an infectious disease such as a cold and have a fever over 38 ° C, you should temporarily refrain from the water restriction and take as much fluid as you like.  Once the fever subsides, you will need to start it again.


5.It is safer not to limit water for 6 years old and under at home.


6.The water content of many fresh fruits is around 85% of the edible weight (net weight).  In other words, it is about 85 ml for 100 g of peeled oranges.



Written by Dr. Kenji Sato

Translated by Tokuko 






Well, I hope your questions about water restriction cleared up with this information above.

For inpatients, Dr. Sato gives appropriate direction (amount of intaking water) to see each one’s symptoms considering other multiple factors like patient’s information, circumstances, etc…at the same time, however, if you do it at home, try to find a trustful doctor as much as possible.  I believe this requires medical supervision because there are sicknesses that only medical professions can diagnose.  I fully know that it is very difficult to find non-steroidal dermatologists, so until you find one, please learn NMT seriously from the below source as long as you do NMT.


😊Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted (This blog) 

😊Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT

😊NMT Education Group (Facebook)

😊The NMT Healed Club (Facebook)

😊YouTube 【Tokuko’s Room】


There are many other blogs, good reports and information in SNS explaining NMT nowadays and it is really wonderful that this great method is known by many sufferers/caregivers who are struggling against TSW symptoms.  I know all of the information providers are sharing NMT to pay it forward with a deep love for others, however, if you initiate NMT, please try to learn it from the source above first because I receive tons of questions from ‘all over the world’ regarding things that I have never said…😅  Most of them are misunderstanding shared personal experiences with NMT as a part of NMT protocol


People who share NMT are trying to help you including personal experiences too with deep love and I love such actions very much.  However, when you learn the protocol, since the medical information should be correct/accurate, you need to tell what part is NMT and what part is a personal experience.  As for the information in the source, Dr. Sato squeezes in his precious time to review as much as possible to help the sufferers in the world so as long as you start to learn NMT, again, please get the information from the source above.  Don’t take a shortcut for your healing.



In other articles, I have explained water restriction here and there so please check it out utilizing the search bar.  Below also is the translated Dr. Sato’s explanation in the old article.  Please try to figure out the amount of water intake by yourself with all of the provided information so reading and learning NMT very hard is essential.




Dr. Sato wrote the explanation to my blog this time too for those of you who he has never met because he fully knows how tough TSW symptoms are.  For translating medical information, he helped me a lot thinking about sufferers who are in agony in the world.  Have you met such a doctor ever?  Witnessing a real doctor‘s noble action, I am moved to the point of tears and believe that you also realize his deep love for even those who are not his patients.


You may be spending days that you are likely to collapse in anxiety, frustration, and pain, however, please remind this.

There may be someone who is thinking about you though he/she is invisible from you being far away from you.  You may have a big supporter of your healing.  By knowing that you are supported by such deep love at least this time, you will be able to redirect your mind upwards, won’t you?



Producing a warm reaction by yourself with gratitude, try to overcome this experience brightly until the day comes.  You are not alone.  Keep on smiling!

Hang in there, friends.  Healing happens to you too.


Have a GREAT day!



Copyright © 2020 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.


Below is the advice that I posted in the NMT Education Group on Facebook. 

Hope this also encourages you.


NMT Education Group 

(***You will be required to answer 3 questions to join this group.)




Japanese Version

   👇 CLICK HERE! 👇

佐藤健二先生よりメッセージが届きました! - 脱ステ・脱保湿中の水分制限について




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How to get over TSW asap! ◆ Chinese Version







如果你有心理準備,想知道究竟類固醇的副作用有多恐怖,你可以看看這個部落格的最底部的相片。因為這些相片真的非常不堪入目,建議讀者自行決定是否觀看 。為了不想看這些相片的讀者,我特地將這些相片放在最底部




唔,看到這些相片的讀者。。。我對不起你們,讓你們看到這些醜陋的照片, 但是你一定能看到第三張的照片有明顯的康復,對嗎?大家應該很難相信我並沒有用任何藥膏或潤膚膏就得到治癒。爲了類固醇反彈患者,我會向大家解釋我認爲是我此生逃離「類固醇反彈」地獄的最好方法。我完全明白『類固醇反彈』有多痛苦,所以真的很想鼓勵並幫助你們。


















































當你停止使用類固醇藥膏,請務必同時停止所有會令皮膚濕潤的行為。你必須要徹底這麼做不要穿太多衣服因為這會是一個保濕的行為。就算因為類固醇反彈令你的體溫調節失衡而感到寒冷,也要儘量穿少點衣服。住院的期間,我儘量穿一些醫生推薦的棉質鬆身的T恤和薄薄的棉質短褲。蓋厚被子也是一個保濕的行為不要使用任何的潤膚膏或天然油來潤膚。你必須靠你自身的自然能力使皮膚滋潤, 否則,你必須永遠依賴潤膚膏而你的皮膚失去自然保濕的功力。(我從住院至今都沒有使用過任何保濕產品。)

































我想表達的是你也可以靠無類固醇無保濕的治療(英文簡稱NMT) 來渡過「類固醇反彈」的難關。我認為我們從一開始的時候就不應該搽類固醇藥膏


























德子 上





***在你開始NMT之前,請儘量從「POSTS IN ENGLISH」的網頁閱讀我其他關於「類固醇反彈」的文章。不要錯過任何一個重點而完成它並得到最快的成果。














☟ Viewer discretion advised:  Severe Dermatitis Pictures below
























脱ステ4年記念日に - ステロイドをやめて変わったこと





You can manage Atopic Dermatits without Topical Corticosteroids!


Written by Tokuko Abfab

Translated by Ms. Wong


Copyright © 2017 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.

Downtown Tokyo from the sky


English Version

How to get over Topical Steroid Withdrawal asap!


Spanish Version

Cómo superar el rebote de esteroides tópicos lo antes posible


Arabic Version

خلص من أعراض الانسحاب من الاستوريد الموضعي (الكورتيزون الموضعي) بأسرع وقت ممكن


Dutch Version

Hoe je zo snel mogelijk geneest van TSW of Topical Steroid Withdrawal!


Serbian Version

Kako što pre prevazići sindrom odvikavanja kože od topikalnih steroida (TSW)


Vietnamese Version

Cách vượt qua bệnh viêm da do nhiễm corticoid nhanh nhất!


Japanese Version

脱ステのリバウンドから最短で脱出する方法 - 徳子編



Getting the knowledge in the below articles is essential for NMT!

English Version

What can be Moisturizers? – For fellows launching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’

Russian Version

Что может являться увлажнением? – Для пациентов, начинающих «Безводную терапию» (на англ. No Moisturizing Treatment – NMT)


Please read all articles in the RECOMMENDED POSTS columns to accomplish NMT.

Make your personal notebook by yourself to learn everything.  Your knowledge will help you!




Bilingual readers,

A lot of readers all over the world are waiting for your support to translate this blog.  Please let me know if you can help them with your ability!

Thank you!



How To Learn NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment)

Currently, there are no NMT books except in Japanese.  (Due to various social circumstances, it is extremely difficult to publish translated versions.)  However, for TSW sufferers who don’t have any effective solution and have been struggling in agony all over the world, I started to share NMT protocol in English getting approval from Dr. Kenji Sato because it has been showing great results for more than 3 decades in Japan.  He has been assisting me to not provide incorrect NMT info thinking about sufferers in the world. 

This blog spread all over the world very rapidly and actually, a lot of sufferers learned NMT from this blog healed/improved very fast.  Then they started to share it spontaneously through SNS, their own blogs, YouTube, etc…It is great to pay it forward, however, there are a lot of incorrect NMT info that prolongs your symptoms on SNS too.  Unfortunately, due to this fast worldwide dissemination, I can’t catch up with everything to request correction. (Even the name, ‘No Moisturizing Treatment’, is incorrect very often.)
Since this is the medical information, it should be the correct/accurate for sufferers’ faster healing.  Learn NMT from the source below first to not prolong your symptoms with incorrect info.  Dr. Kenji Sato reviews them below as much as possible thinking about sufferers in the world so you can get correct information only from them.  (All NMT doctors have been reading this blog!) 
Again, getting the correct knowledge accurately is the key to your faster healing!  Learn the protocol seriously making your personal note (Do not use others’ ones.  None of the personal notes have been approved by Dr. Sato yet.) and revisit below info regularly because you don’t have NMT doctors there.  Be a master of NMT!


<<< Non-Profit Organizations>>>

Tokuko’s Room★ (YouTube)

(YouTube:  To learn the NMT protocol.  I add both Japanese/English subtitles as much as possible when I have time and the status is at the bottom of video in the explanation column.  Some are translated into Spanish.  There are web translations in other languages.) 
Dr. Mitsuko Satou‘s videos, NMT super pediatrician’s helpful explanations, also are in them.

YouTube 【Tokuko’s Room】

Must-see:  It’s Ok To Let Your Child or Baby Scratch Freely!

Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted★ (This blog)

(English Version: To learn NMT basic protocol.  Read all articles in the ‘RECOMMENDED POSTS IN ENGLISH’ corner at least.)


(There are Spanish version, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Serbian, etc…for better understandings.) 


Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT★ (The other blog in English)

(Tokuko’s advice for sufferers to learn NMT.)



NMT Education Group★ (Facebook)

(Facebook official GP: This group is designed for self-studying of NMT instead of NMT books)

*Please answer 3 questions to join.  To protect group members, we need your agreement.



The NMT Healed Club★ (Facebook)

(Facebook official GP: This group is for encouragement and learning the healing process visually with before and after pictures.)

*Please answer 3 questions to join. We have to protect group members.  Without your agreement, admins need to disapprove your request.



For Children/Babies

Please don’t miss these articles below too.
Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT

Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT

The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children

The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children

☟These 2 videos below also are must-sees for parents!☟

The Mix List (Playlist) of Dr. Mitsuko Satou’s YouTube
It’s Ok To Let Your Child or Baby Scratch Freely!


Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted – Facebook★ (Facebook)

(Facebook ‘Read Only’ page including lecture meetings’ info)



***Learn NMT from the source above first. 



For the awareness of TSW, please read my article on the online news from Australia.

Tokuko’s article on ‘NORTHERN COMMUNITY NEWS’ (Australia)






When you share the info of NMT, please use the correct name, No Moisturizing Treatment’, so that sufferers can reach the source.   (‘moisture‘, ‘moisturizer‘ ‘therapy‘, etc…are incorrect and sufferers in the world take a longer time to reach the source.  It is a big problem currently.)

Also, when you share NMT knowledge, please clarify if it is your own experience if you add your experience too. 

Since your own experience also tends to be regarded as NMT protocol, clarifying it is essential.  We receive tons of questions from all over the world regarding things that NMT doctors or I have never said, and spending time to correct them prolongs the dissemination.  NMT doctors and I really want to disseminate the correct NMT for your healing. 

Thank you.




***If you’d like to initiate NMT, this video that Dr. Kenji Sato has reviewed is a must-see to get correct protocol and to not prolong the symptoms.

Your strong determination, tremendous efforts to master NMT and perseverance are required to get expecte results (faster healing) with NMT.





#NMT  #nomoisturizingtreatment  #TSW  #topicalsteroidwithdrawal  #TSA  #topicalsteroidaddiction  #drkenjisato  #drmitsukosatou  #drshigekifujisawa  #drsatokominaguchi  #atopicdermatitis  #eczema  #tokuko’sroomtofeeluplifted  #アトピー #ステロイド副作用 #脱ステ #脱保湿 #湿疹 #ステロイド危険 #ステロイド安全 #スキンケア #リバウンド #保湿剤 #保湿クリーム #drsachiesumida  #阪南中央病院 #子供の脱ステ


Tokuko’s YouTube Channel Has Been Launched! – Check Out ‘Tokuko’s Room’!

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I had been diagnosed as Atopic Dermatitis since I was 6 months old and for more than 5 decades.  (Ahem…This is between you and me because I’m forever 26!…😎) 

I had been prescribed the strongest Topical Steroids of the time during this time. 

However, I diminished using them gradually and it has passed 7 years after stopping use of them completely.


This Apr 1st was my 7th Anniversary!  Yeeeeaaahhh! 🤩

Above all, I’d like to say that it was a REALLY sound choice to stop using Topical Steroids.


What has changed over the years?”

A patient who had to keep applying the strongest TS has stopped using it and she hasn’t used it for 7 years!”

Is she ok?”


I’d like to answer your questions above today.  However, this time, it is a little different from the usual way.


Due to COVID-19 issues, the world is in a difficult situation currently.  There may be people who are experiencing a hard time among this blog’s readers.  I just wish all of you will be ok and it will be resolved soon


In Japan, a lot of free lecture meetings of NMT have been canceled already😱.  Since the world is in a serious situation, it is uncontrollable and we have to accept it, however, even if I can’t see you directly at the lecture meetings, I can talk to you through the video😆.  To get over COVID-19 situation, I made a decision to move on!


I debuted as a YouTuber! 🤣

I know I don’t look so, but to tell you the truth, I don’t prefer to stand out or am the kind of person who doesn’t prefer to speak in front of the audience as most of the typical Japanese.  So I have been writing under a pen name and didn’t use my pictures often😅.  I just wanted to help TSW sufferers and caregivers with my experience writing helpful info anonymously. 


However, I finally started to appear in front of you🤣 to respond to this new difficult situation!


It must be a good opportunity for me to go ahead to experience the world COVID-19 situation.  I may be able to help more people with this action.

Because you can watch this in your language😍!


Ahem….it violates my rule to watch this with the full screen or 80 inches 4K TV…..LOL!


Anyway, let me explain how to watch it in your language subtitles.




1⃣ Click the PLAY button.


2⃣ Hover the cursor over the bottom area on the right.  (👉Some buttons come out.)



3⃣ Click the ‘SETTING‘ button.



4⃣ Click ‘SUBTITLES‘.







6⃣ Select YOUR LANGUAGE😉💞!




**As for this video above, I made English subtitles too this time, so you just can click English if you’d like to watch it in English.


Japanese is a unique language so the translation may be a little strange but still, you can guess the contents👍!


I will keep providing helpful info.

Don’t forget to like the video.

Subscribe to my channel Tokuko’s Room 😉💖💖💖!



 ‘Is It Really Atopic Dermatitis?’


Please take good care of yourself and have a GREAT day!




The One-Click Movement to Change the World with Love

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Here is my new blog site in English, ‘Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT’!
http://tokukospeptalk.blog.jp/ 👈CLICK HERE!
At Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan, inpatients can ask Dr. Kenji Sato questions every day, which can reduce our anxiety🥰. However, it is impossible to offer the same environment here individually for the world sufferers so I made a decision to start another blog in English to get you closer to that blessed environment💗…That is the one above.
Despite being busy as the leader of non-steroidal doctors in Japan, Dr. Sato is thinking about suffering patients around the world and provides as much time as possible to oversee this new blog too.  So I can provide correct information there too😍.  The blog also is a very blessed one…and you are blessed too!  I’ll try to post articles as often as possible.
By the way, this time, I have a small favor to ask of you.  When you see a new post, please try to open and hit Like👍 or Share or Applause👏 or whatever you like.
It doesn’t mean I’d like to be praised by you…LOL😂!
That little one-click spreads to the world as a grand gesture to change our society better for sufferers who don’t want to use steroids, in the long run.  To accumulate such small actions is necessary for our future.😊
You may have complained about your symptoms this morning…Or you may have cried to see your face earlier having no support by doctors…I understand it very much😞.  However, if you are asked by someone, “Then what did you do today to change your situation?”…Can you answer that?
It is not the few doctors who create a society where non-steroidal treatment can be chosen. It is an accumulation of small actions by a huge number of sufferers around the world🌎🌍🌏.  You can participate in making the new world trend, not using steroids, just with one click even sitting on the couch in your living room.
Please join💝The OneClick Movement to Change the World with Love💝!’
It is time to realize that we are the ones to make our society better!.💝💝💝
Hang in there, friends!
Healing happens to you too!
Copyright © 2020 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.

Tokuko’s New Blog Has Been Launched! – ‘Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT’

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NMT family members, I started another new blog as of today! 

                          👇 Click Here! 👇

The title is, Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT.


Well, here in Japan, if we were able to enter Hannan Chuo Hospital, inpatients can ask questions every day to NMT doctors and of course, all of us have Dr. Kenji Sato’s thick book by the bed to review our knowledge, however, your situation is different from us.  You need to learn it by yourself very seriously because your correct knowledge will be the only supporter to accomplish NMT.  I fully understand your situation but it is impossible to provide personal support for answering each one’s questions by myself because I receive 3 digits of messages every day from all over the world. 


That is why I established NMT Education Group (Facebook) to educate it more and The NMT Healed Club (Facebook) to encourage you with healed/improved pictures and to show chronological orders of healing process.

↑ NMT Education Group

↑ The NMT Healed Club


NMT groups’ admins on Facebook are amazing people who mastered NMT with provided information only by themselves.  They learned it to read articles of this blog and posts in the groups above over and over again and then, they have been working so hard voluntarily to help TSW sufferers who’d like to achieve NMT.  Their love for TSW sufferers is incredibly deep and they spend their precious time helping sufferers with selfless love.  And also there are many many supporters who’d like to help us spontaneously.  Every action is helpful and I always appreciate it…however, it also has a limit.  


So this time, I started a new blog for sufferers who need more assistance.  You can visit it every day and read articles repeatedly.  Such daily efforts will fix your knowledge.  The title says ‘365 Days’ but it doesn’t mean it would take such a long time🤣.  If you do NMT correctly, you don’t have to suffer for so long.  I’ll try to add articles (shorter ones than this blog) as often as possible.  (…I also don’t have enough time to update it 365 days…lol )


If you have just known about NMT lately, please read and learn basic 2 articles below.  You shouldn’t run over but read them carefully making your personal notebook.📓


How to get over Topical Steroid Withdrawal asap!


What can be Moisturizers? – For fellows launching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’


And next course is to read and learn ALL Recommended posts in this blog.


Then, you can learn more detailed protocol with Facebook official NMT groups utilizing ‘Search bar’.


Then, finally, you got one more chance to learn NMT and to be encouraged to stay positive (for your faster healing) with my new blog!  Lucky you!!!!😎

                        👇 Click Here! 👇

 Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT.




To see TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) sufferers who have been struggling against horrible symptoms for ’years’ in the world, I was determined to help them with my experience because I knew that they didn’t need to be in the agony such a long time since everybody is discharged from Hannan Chuo Hospital within 3 months to be healed or improved tremendously.  It was in Nov 2017 when I started to disseminate NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) with English version worldwide and it has been spreading all over the world at incredible speed day by day because SO many sufferers are healed/improved rapidly to learn it with this blog.  It turned to be a sensation for many sufferers because to moisturize dry skin has been the dominant concept in the world but the idea of completely overturning it has led to dramatic improvements.


As most of this blog readers know, I have experienced super and ultra severe TSW 😱 and looked like a Monster or a Zombie or ‘Rock Man’  (☚click!)🤣in the movie ‘Fantastic Four’….but not human beings at that time.  The symptom continued intermittently for years, meaning, it got a little bit better sometimes but my appearance was not in a so-called ‘normal’ one even while it was better.


Of course, I had already read about NMT with books in Japanese before but the protocol that requires further drying original abnormally dry skin was terrifying me just to imagine, so I didn’t have the courage to start it before I meet NMT doctors.


Also, as most of you do, I had checked the online reviews about NMT when I had read it long time ago but wasn’t able to find healed/improved sufferers’ voice except NMT doctors side’s information.  Online reviews can be a BIG assistance if you research things carefully but TSW sufferers tend to not voice about their symptoms with miserable appearance, and especially, typical Japanese do not prefer to stand out.  However, the biggest reason that they don’t speak out may be that they don’t want to be subject to intensive attacks by opponents.  Majority of doctors prescribe TS (Topical Steroids) for Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema because it is designated as standard treatment in Japan.  So it is no wonder why I wasn’t able to find them.  Nowadays, anyone can broadcast what they want so the numbers who share it are increasing but at that time, I wasn’t able to find any decisive information that I feel like trying this method.

Now, it is urgent to spread this information because tons of TSW sufferers are badly afflicted with the horrible symptoms all over the world.  They are struggling to have no solutions….I can imagine how tough it is…


Even if we have great method to be healed/improved rapidly, if the information didn’t reach people who eagerly need it, they can’t see the light from the dark tunnel as I hadn’t tried NMT for years.  This experience shows that it is very important that experienced people speak out

When you found any good information, whatever it is, it would be kind to share it generously.  Choice is always up to the person but you just can share it.


If your current symptom is too tough, please realize that there are things that you can do. 

I mean….You can voice. 

If you don’t act, nothing is going to start.  I’m not suggesting to participate in the demonstrations or say such a reckless thing…lol😅  I mean, since you are reading this blog now, you can hit Like on SNS or share any information to notify the danger of Steroids, Protopic, Neoral (Cyclosporine), etc…to make our society easier to live.   Since the symptom is very painful, we tend to vent here and there but when each of us use that energy in a single click to make our situation better, it will be a big wave.


Please imagine.  We don’t have many non-steroidal doctors in the world but there are tons of TSW sufferers all over the world.  Do you think which ones’ action is effective to change the world….?  By doctors or by sufferers?  The answer is obvious.  If each of us took a tiny action every day, we can make it happen.  That is why I keep taking tiny actions every day like this.  You also can express yourself with just single click.  It’s a seemingly small step, but can be a big one in changing our living world.   You won’t get nowhere unless you take one step forward.  Such actions will eventually lead to the protection of future children too.😊


If you find something helpful in the blog, please share.  If you like even one line, please talk about it to your friends.  ‘We’ are the ones who change the world because we are experienced people.


Hope my new blog will be a help for your faster healing.


Hang in there friends!  Wishing your healing happens in the near future. 



‘Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT’




Copyright © 2020 Tokuko Abfab All Rights Reserved.


P.S.  I wanted to make the new blog with the same internet server but while I was doing programming, I was scared to lose all data and articles of this blog by mistake so I chose free Japanese blog this time.  Hope links popping out will not annoy you.  Thanks!


NMT Caregivers’ Reports – For Children And Babies

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As most of you know, the only NMT (No Steroidal and No Moisturizing Treatment) doctors are in Japan.  This method was advocated by Dr. Kenji Sato (Osaka, Japan) officially in 1994, but he discovered the condition of TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) long before he publicly shared.  He actually started the protocol prior to 1994 trying to learn from the patients.  Then he discovered that TSW couldn’t be healed with just ceasing steroids, meaning, you need to cease/stop use of steroids as well as ALL kinds of moisturizers in order for the protocol to be successful. 

***This included wearing loose fitting garments rather than tight against the skin, avoiding to wrap up with bandages or to put on thick comfortersnot over cleaning or bathing with soaps or other chemicals and so on…Most of us tend to imagine to apply lotions or creams once we hear moisturizers but these types activities and more similar ones are ways that unintentionally act as ‘moisturizing’ treatments. ***

      **Refer below article forMoisturizers
      What can be Moisturizers? – For fellows lanuching ‘No Moisturizing Treatment (NMT)’

However, it is not socially accepted as a major treatment though even the results are amazing.  ‘Topical Steroids’ is the major and standard treatment designated for Atopic dermatitis by the dermatologists’ academic conference in Japan even though there’s no evidence of healing results.  Most dermatologists prescribe them and it is very difficult to find non steroidal doctors even in Japan.


Dr. Sato has been advocating NMT and has been helping tons of TSW sufferers for more than 3 decades with successful results.  Patients are visiting Osaka to be seen by him from all over Japan. 


Dr. Kenji Sato gives free large scale lecture meetings frequently with other NMT doctors (Dr. Mitsuko Satou, Dr. Shigeki Fujisawa and Dr. Satoko Minaguchi) traveling all over Japan for awareness of the danger of Steroids, Protopic and Neoral (=Ciclosporin/Cyclo).  He also holds classes after work for inpatients, answering questions on the website with his wife Dr. Mitsuko Satou (a NMT super pediatrician), teaches NMT for doctors who are interested in, guides other young doctors, etc….As you can see, his busy life makes it hard for him to share the info with the world.  However, his message is spreading as patients’ groups supporting him and other NMT doctors are growing.


I wrote an article to share this great method to the world in English getting approval from Dr. Sato (in Nov 2017).  How to get over Topical Steroid Withdrawal asap!  

Since I’m the testimony who got well amazingly from VERY severe case within 3 months with NMT, I thought I had to share this great method for all TSW sufferers in the world.  I totally understand how tough the symptoms are so I really wanted to help others who are struggling without solutions.

Fortunately, the article spread all over the world very rapidly and it reached many worldwide as you can see below.

The distribution map of readers of my blog ‘Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted’. (=Genki ga deru Tokuko no heya) This means so many TSW sufferers are struggling without having solution.


A lot of TSW sufferers started to learn NMT with this blog and NMT support groups that I established last year at the same time.

NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) Education Group

The NMT Healed Club (No Moisturizing Treatment)

Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted


Within a few months, I began to receive SO many messages with appreciation from all over the world.  (**Sorry, I can’t respond to all of them but thank you very much for your nice messages! )  They mastered NMT and were healed or improved amazingly


And then, unbelievably, the healed members started to share the information spontaneously! 

It was a game changer for them so they were glad to pay it forward sharing the protocol. 

The NMT masters’ dedication is really energetic and they started to help the world sufferers together!  The numbers of sharing people are increasing day by day!


Some shared it with SNS, (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc….)

some brought my blog to their dermatologists asking their support to accomplish NMT,

some shared theirBefore and Afterpics to encourage and help other sufferers,

some shared the pictures to show the healing process with chronological order and explanation,

some shared their personal notes about what they learned in their language,

some offered me to help the operation of support groups,

some translated my blog articles to each language,

some got interviews to share their experience bravely with medias and other non-steroidal groups,

some established NMT support groups in each language,

…and so on!


It’s actually spreading throughout the world day by day rapidlySo many people are taking actions to help other sufferers/caregivers to experience the agony of the side effect of Topical Steroids and amazing recovery with NMT.  They are working with their deep love to others.  Don’t you think it’s REALLY wonderful? 


Today, let me introduce two of NMT masters’ (caregivers) reports.


First report below is written by Ms Jannelyn Lechelle from UK.  She learned NMT reading this blog articles over and over and her son got well amazingly fast.  Her NMT knowledge is excellent!  After she became a master of NMT, she has been helping sufferers as one of admins of the support groups.  





Here is another update on the progress of my son’s ankle.  He is currently 168 days NMT and 8 months TSW.

As you know from my last post, he has been swimming for almost 8 weeks with no reaction to the chlorine in the water.  His whole body is clear – not a sign of normal eczema starting either.


As for the NMT protocol, he is drinking whenever he is thirsty so no water restriction.  He has quick showers twice a week and doesn’t apply any type of cream or moisturizer on his skin after a shower.  He continues to sleep 9-10 hrs a night and can eat all types of foods without any reaction.  A balanced diet is still important for a growing child so I maintain this.


Last month, the top part of his ankle had this ‘thick and spongy texture’ accompanied with fine, white powder/dust.  I call this elephant skin.  This month, from my observations, the thickness has lessened considerably and the powder is gone.  The skin is now a little scaly and no longer sheds.  It also appears dry but it is not itchy.


Looking back at the whole TSW nightmare, we tend to worry about the possible infections, about the many symptoms, how bad it looks, wondering when it will get better or is it becoming worse?

Having gone through this journey with my son for 8 months, what kept me going as a parent was acceptance and a positive mental outlook.  Even before I stumbled upon NMT and Tokuko’s Blog page, I kept reading, doing research, finding out as much as I could about how to heal my son from his terrible symptoms.  Without this determination, I have no idea what I would have done. 


I followed the NMT protocol blindly without doubting it, and just kept going.  Seeing the before and after pictures of Tokuko was a game-changer for me.  I thought if she could heal from her symptomsthen so can my son. 

The suffering my son went through taught me patience.  Then patience taught me perseveranceThe perseverance then gave me hope – hope that one day, he would heal.


I am forever grateful that this NMT group exists because Tokuko has worked so hard to spread the NMT awareness out there.  I see many more parents who are willing to try the NMT protocol to heal their childIf you do commit to it, patience and perseverance is keyDon’t dwell on the symptoms or worry too much.  The protocol is your guide, so learn it well, read it over and over again and make sure you don’t miss a thing.


Everyone will have different healing times and some parts may take longer to heal.  Try not to compare your healing journey to others, this will only discourage you.  Not everyone will heal in 90 days either as most of us are not at the hospital with Dr Sato watching over us all.


Below, I have complied a guideline of the different stages the skin goes through when healing.  This information is taken from my notes, photos and the close observations I made with my son.  Some of you may find it useful, others may not, but feel free to use it as you wish.



1. The Inflammation Stage

Symptoms: Red, hot, bumpy, broken skin, sometimes swollen, itchy, wet, oozy, painful

This is the stage where the skin goes into shock as the medicine usage has ceased and the skin and body need to re-adjust itself.  Blood vessels dilate to allow essential cells; antibodies, white blood cells, growth factors, enzymes and nutrients to reach the skin area.  This may lead to a rise in exudate levels so the surrounding skin needs to be closely monitored. 

Limiting all types of moisture (bathing/creams/intake of fluids) at this stage is important to reduce ooze and the possibility of infection setting in.  Sleeping during the hours of 10pm – 2am is crucial for healing as growth factors are released during this time at night.  A balanced diet will help the skin obtain all the nutrients it needs. My son was stuck in this Inflammation stage for two and a half months because of the daily foot-baths and creams applied to his skin.  Too much moisture.  If anything, his skin became a lot worse.  As soon as we initiated NMT at the beginning of January, his skin started to change and move to the next stage which only took around seven days.



2. The Proliferation Stage

Symptoms: Less redness, Intense deep itching, increased dryness, stiff skin, thick crusts, lots of flakes, ooze and blood, swelling, skin feels hot, nerve pain, zingers, possible infection

Allow crusts to fall off by themselves.  Do not pick or force crusts off.
If dried out properly, skin can start to form crusts/flakes over the surface to protect the rebuilding of new skin underneath.  The body produces collagen to form new skin tissues – protein and fats in diet are required to do this.  The unbelievable ‘deep’ itch results from the new network of nerve cells and blood vessels being formed underneath the new skin. 

As new temporary layers of skin are pushed up, the skin sheds very quickly, producing lots of flakes!  This is encouraged by itching and scratching until the skin becomes thicker and drier.  Tokuko describes this stage as having ‘ugly skin’ and many tend to think that the skin is aggravatedSome give up during this stage and return to bathing and applying creams.  Then the Inflammation Stage starts all over again.
My son stayed in the Proliferation stage for 97 days before moving on to the last stage of healing.  Believe it or not – the repetition of scratching and drying made his skin stronger.



3. The Maturation Stage

Symptoms: Dry skin, fine white powder, white dust, less itch, no redness, softer skin, spongy feeling, elephant skin

This final stage is when the new skin no longer breaks when scratched.  The new skin feels thickened and spongy as the tissue used to create this is slightly different.  The Fine, white powdery surface can take some time to thin out.  This phase involves remodelling of collagen from type III down to type I. 

Cellular activity reduces and the number of blood vessels in the skin area regresses and decreases until the skin produces its own oils and is normalised back to soft, smooth skin.  This is the stage my son started swimming and is currently at Day 57 and still counting.  The bottom and middle part of his ankle are already normalised, just allowing the top part to continue to smoothen out slowly.


Thank you for reading.  Happy healing to you all 💗





The Next report is written by Ms. Joyce Fang from Australia.  Her understanding of NMT also is outstanding and she has been helping parents who have TSW/AD kids and babies in Chinese speaking society as a bilingual.  Her support for world sufferers is excellent working as an admin in the NMT support groups.





Some thoughts on babies, about solid food, breastmilk, formula.

And some healing photos

It’s created a little bit controversial tonight, since I’m a mum who is breastfeeding my 16 months son and receives a great result from NMT within half year, I’d like to share some of my thoughts and experiences on this. Please do correct me if anything wrong.  And please follow NMT doctor’s instructions as strictly as you can, you will have great result!



Firstly, I think breastmilk is still good during NMT, like people mentioned here, for immunity.  Good immune system accelerate healing and reduce the risk of infection.  Also, breastfeeding is a great comfort tool during NMT.  Happier baby, happier mum, faster healing.  Breastmilk has too many other benefits compare to formula, like long chain fatty acids to support brain development, etc.  I believe NMT doctors fully understand and have more knowledges than us, as Tokuko mentioned this.



However, breastmilk has less protein compared to formula.  And we all know protein loss is a problem during TSW for many people, we need to increase protein and fat intake (although breastmilk has higher fat compared to formula).  We also know too much water intake delays recovery.  So, this is the downside of breastmilk, since we can’t reduce water in breastmilk.  If we try to increase protein intake from breastmilk, we increase large amount of water too.  It’s a dilemma here.  On the other hand, it’s easier to control the water volume and plus it has higher protein in formula.  So, for the babies who need to boost their protein level and who hasn’t on solid, switching to formula is a choice.



But it doesn’t mean every NMT baby needs to stop breastfeeding.  That’s why Tokuko mentioned babies can have solid food earlier.  Someone may argue baby under 6 months shouldn’t have solid.  But the reality to this really depends on each baby, someone just can if they are ready.  Tokuko mentioned.  My son started solid on 4 months even we didn’t have TSW.
Breastfeeding or not, or when should baby start on solid is really depending on each one’s real situation.



Here are some experiences and thoughts from me and some other breastfeeding mums who are doing NMT currently:
To mums who don’t want to switch to formula, and determined to get benefits from breastmilk for long run and do NMT at the same time:
I would firstly eat more protein and fat and a bunch of nutritional dense vegetables (not too much fruits) myself.



1.  Baby Within 6-month-old or hasn’t on solid: I could switch to a mixed feeding strategy, but maybe majority is formula for a while if the baby lost too much protein (usually sever oozing stage).  I could feed formula first and maybe some bites of breastmilk for comfort and immunity.  I could at the same time pump breastmilk out to maintain milk supply.  I may increase breastmilk and reduce formula when skin is getting better, and maybe baby starts solid already.  Also, I believe sever TSW for such young baby is not too common.
In addtion, 4 months old can start solid if they are ready, first food can be high protein food like meat.  Diet is probably another controversial topic nowadays.  



2.  6-month-old to 1 year old:  Apart from same strategy above, I could feed him only high protein and fat solid food at this stage, which means no carbs from solid, especially during sever oozing stage. If baby have lots of high protein solid and skin is getting better, I may increase breastmilk or switch back to breastmilk.


3.  1 year above:  It’s easy to control protein intake now, and baby needs much less milk.  High protein and fat solid plus breastmilk only or mixed feeding, moderate protein and fat solid plus more formula or normal milk plus some breastmilk or no breastmilk.  There are too many combinations according to skin’s progress.  Just remember dry is better, protein and fat are essential during NMT. If you have time, do a record or digitalise eventing, you can figure out how much water and nutrition your child needs according to different circumstances.



To mums who stop breastfeeding because of NMT or other reasons:
• Although there are so many benefits with breastmilk, but babies can do also well without breastmilk.  Formula gives lots of mums relieves, it’s also easier to count water intake and increase protein level for many babies.

• We always want to give our kids everything, but sometimes we should consider the most important things for different circumstances.  We still can boost baby’s immunity in other ways, like giving them lots of love, letting them play around as excise, a balanced diet, etc.


Last, don’t be too stressful for what we haven’t done enough.  If you have time and energy, you can choose to continue breastfeeding and NMT.  If you don’t, you can try to find helper.  If you don’t have time and helper and want to stop for healing purpose, just stop.  If you have confusion, we have so many people here to help.  If you feel depressed, you can vent into NMT support group or other TSW group, or messaging lots of people here. LOL


Thank Tokuko Kameda again and all the NMT/TSW doctors.


I will add some improvement photos to reassure NMT.  My son is breastfeeding and doing great with NMT.  I probably ask my friend to add her son’s photo later, her son takes formula and heals with NMT too.  We both almost finish this hell within half year!
Wish everyone has a quick and happy healing!





Well, these reports are written by ‘mothers‘ who mastered NMT with this blog and NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) Education Group on Facebook.  To experience their child’s healing, they wrote and posted these reports in the group spontaneously to pay it forward.  I was moved so much by their love to other TSW sufferers/caregivers because this is just what I really wanted 


NMT doctors are limited but there are many more numbers of sufferers than them all over the world…I thought “We must be able to utilize sheer force of numbers…!” 

Even if you have zero NMT doctors in your country, if we assemble our knowledge, the power is going to be bigger than several doctors’ one.  Once we put learned knowledge together in the group, a lot of sufferers can trust the information and can help each other…I believed that it would be the only solution without having NMT doctors except Japan.  That is one of the reasons why I established NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) Education Group.  


As I expected, a lot of healed members began to post their experiences in the group to help others.  However, since visual confirmation also is necessary always for sufferers, I established The NMT Healed Club (No Moisturizing Treatment) too.  Right after that, healed members started to post their Before and Afterpictures there one after another to help and encourage others.  Sufferers got to learn the process to do the comparison in need visually.


It’s not often but admins in our groups have heard that some members need to vent in the groups.  We understand their feelings very much but believe that our groups’ role is different from other TSW support groups.  Our groups should be the ones to provide solutions as much as possible from our experiences with NMT because many sufferers have been struggling without having any solutions for years.  At the same time, we know sufferers’ sad stories won’t help others at all and affects to others’ symptoms and to the person’s too.  Trying to use positive words will help you after all and it is the part of NMT.   So we ask your agreement to our policy when we get requests to join us.  We just want to help as many as possible effectively.  Hope sufferers understand our groups’ role (=to share NMT accurate info) and my intention (the reason why I established the groups).  Everybody should be able to get out of the agony asap to get effective solutions and no one should obstruct it, meaning, we need to think about others too in any situation.  I believe, fundamentally, support groups are supposed to be like that.


You also can be a Master of NMT and your efforts to learn NMT will help your children from TSW.  In other words, they will be helped by your accurate NMT knowledge.


Actually, tons of babies and little children are healed by Dr. Mitsuko Satou in Japan and many babies and children are coming with parents to be seen by her from all over Japan.  Healed children’s parents listened to her and just followed NMT protocol seriouslyI just can share this fact and you are the one who makes a decisionNone of us forces you and choice is always up to you but once you had a strong determination to accomplish NMT, try to learn it hard and commit.   Again, your accurate knowledge will help you.


     The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children

     Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT

    ***You need to learn and read all RECOMMENDED POSTS IN ENGLISH of this blog making your personal notebook and learn more in the groups.


The skin needs to dry before healing and at the dried stage, the appearance becomes bad and the subjective feeling of itch also becomes stronger.  So your child needs to repeatScratch and Dry over and over and it is uncontrollable for human beings.  Parents tend to misunderstand that their child got aggravated to see the condition, however, need to understand that the skin lesions are getting better, meaning, completely dried skin is the beginning of the healing processParents need to endure this tough phase.  Just make sure that your child doesn’t have other sicknesses or infections and is gaining weight normally with balanced meal getting his/her doctor’s advice.


I’m looking forward to seeing many other reports by caregivers who are trying to help other sufferers with their experiences on NMT Education Group.  At the same time, I’m waiting for many more posts withBefore and Afterpictures in The NMT Healed Club so a lot of caregivers can learn the process of NMT more and more. 


We can help each other.  Again, in any situation, we have to think about others who are in agony.  Healed people are the ones who can understand the condition very well and can help others.  Please do not finish your journey after healing.  You will get the power to change the world then.


Healing happens to your child too!  For your loved one’s wonderful future, hang in there for a while!




**Below posts also are recommended for your child’s healing.

Healing Happens to Kids and Babies with NMT


The Key Tips Of NMT For Babies And Children


2019.11 北海道大学キャンパス内