<<< Viewer Discretion Advised >>>
The pictures are very graphic and show severe dermatitis. Please do not look at the pictures if you do not want to.
I will have a warning before showing the pictures below, so please feel free to read ahead.

My worried parents took me to many different doctors and hospitals hoping that I would be cured. And when I became an adult, I went to hospitals all over Japan, committed to heal my dermatitis.
During this time, I tried numerous alternative health modalities as well.
In total, I used Topical Steroids (TS) for 52 years.
And of those years, I used the most potent one for 30 years.
Because I truly wanted to heal,
I listened to my doctor, and intently followed their treatment plans.
The Topical Steroids temporarily suppressed many of my symptoms, but with time I would need stronger prescriptions. And in the end, even the strongest steroid creams completely stopped working.
With this, I stopped using TS medication.
In the end, I was only left with the many uncomfortable side effects of the drug.
Note: The side effects are not limited to the ones that the pharmaceutical companies list.
I know that many patients know this first handedly. Many of the symptoms that we experience can
be found in this blog post below;

And of course, many of these treatments involved TOPICAL STEROIDS.
However, although I have used these creams for more than 50 years, my Atopic Dermatitis was not cured by Topical Steroids.
I remember many conversations with many of my doctors.
Particularly, a conversation I had with Dr.Kenji Sato from Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan was very impressive. His words were very unique and memorable to me.

it makes you want to rip out your fingers and limbs,
and is an itch that will keep you up all night long, even when you are dead tired…
Because I have experienced it, I can truly say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to control this itch, and I believe that NO HUMAN BEINGS can control it.
However, many doctors believe that to some extent, this itch can be controlled.
As everyone knows, you must study a ton to become a doctor.
I respect all of the doctors who have given their all to learn from books and clinical setting seeing patients.
But when a doctor says (from his understanding and his studies) ‘To a certain extent, itchiness can be controlled.’, the patient knows that ‘This doctor has never experienced what I am going through…..’
Because Dr.Sato sees the patients condition every single day at the hospital, and understands the illness and our sense of pathos, he was able to come to the conclusion that the itch cannot be controlled.

These are my experiences. I drew this cartoon for the last lecture meeting with Japanese leading doctors against Topical Steroids. Do these symptoms Atopic Dermatitis??? No way!
Would these symptoms occur just with Atopic Dermatitis??
I believe that if I did not use Topical Steroids, even if it took time to heal, I wouldn’t have experienced these severe symptoms.
By strengthening my immune system and natural self healing abilities, I am repairing my skin that was damaged by Topical Steroids.
By completely stopping steroids usage, I can feel that my skin is regenerating, becoming stronger and starting to resemble what ‘normal’ skin looks like. I have never experienced this in my life and this is the indisputable fact.
However, we must remember that all of our bodies have the ability to heal itself.
Dr.Kenji Sato has said this:
‘By itching, the skin improves.
We itch again, and the skin continues to improve.
We itch and itch again, and it will heal again.
Repeating like this, the skin starts to get stronger gradually.
Itch as much as you want, but try to keep the last scratch a little lighter than the rest.
Your skin WILL heal definitely.’
Even though knowing it, it is impossible to resist the intense itch.
I think many of us tell ourselves, ‘It is a bad thing to scratch! I shouldn’t itch!’. We try to withhold ourselves, and have blamed ourselves when we give in to the itch.
He understands that with this condition, it is IMPOSSIBLE to not scratch our skin.
And he continues to warn doctors and patients to refrain from using TS without seeing the truth of its consequences.
A real doctors understand that Topical Steroids do not cure Atopic Dermatitis.
Even more, they know that even light Atopic Dermatitis can become ‘intractable’ with TS use.
Even then, seeing the horrible side effects that they cause, there ARE doctors that choose not to prescribe Topical Steroids.
And here, I want to affirm this strongly.
This is coming from a person who has used steroids for over fifty years, which is one of the longest, even in human history…
If they do, I should have been healed by now.
For over 50 years I listened to my doctors intently and followed instructions meticulously, and I did not heal with TS.

Is this really true though? Are all of these patients really that lazy to not follow the directions?
Every year a stronger prescription would be needed, and the condition would have progressed to a point where they are completely dependent on regular use of steroids to maintain the quality of their lives.
☟ 閲覧注意(皮膚炎の写真があります)
☟ Viewer discretion advised: Severe Dermatitis Pictures below
☟ 閲覧注意(皮膚炎の写真があります)
☟ Viewer discretion advised: Severe Dermatitis Pictures below
☟ 閲覧注意(皮膚炎の写真があります)

2015.10.29 Left Lower Leg (One month later of hospitalization)

2015.11.18 Left Lower Leg

2015.12.17 Left Lower Leg (The symptom is about to disappear w/o TS))
As you can see, within two months my skin regenerated on its own, even without medication.
but we humans are definitely supplied with a power to heal ourselves.

I truly wish that more people will know about the dangers of Topical Steroids.
I would be so happy and honored, if you can share with your friends and family of this information.

Edited by Tokuko Abfab
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#Tokuko’s Room to Feel Uplifted #tokuko’sroomtofeeluplifted