今、この瞬間の思いがあなたの未来を作っている!一秒でも長く明るい気分でいられる人生を選びませんか?あなたの心のよりどころになれたらうれしいです♪ Welcome to "Tokuko's room to feel uplifted"! Hope this place will inspire you to feel truly alive!
She has approximately 30 years of experience working with atopic dermatitis in babies and small children without using topical steroids. (Herexperience as a pediatrician is much longer than that!)
As well, she has studied No Moisturizing Treatment thoroughly with her husband, Dr. Kenji Sato, which allowed her to carefully plan NMT protocols for children.
It is a sequel to what she talked about ‘Feeding’ in “Vol. 7” and “8”, which lasts until Vol. 12.
She digs deeper into this and is explaining it for your further understanding.
Vol. 1 Say ‘No!’ to Steroids – Prologue
Vol. 2 Tips for Curing Atopic Dermatitis in Babies and Children
Vol. 3 Habit of Sleeping in Separate Rooms
Vol. 4 Let Them Scratch Freely – 1 Vol.
5 Let Them Scratch Freely – 2
Vol. 6 Take Care of Children Looking at Their Eyes
Vol. 7 Feeding – 1 (Breast milk or formula one? – 1)
Vol. 8 Feeding – 2 (Breast milk or formula one? – 2)
Vol. 9 Feeding – 3 (When do you start baby food?)
Vol. 10 Feeding – 4 (Babies also need flavor.)
Vol. 11 Feeding – 5 (How much should babies eat?)
Vol. 12 Feeding – 6 (Tips to let kids eat)
Vol. 13 Work out, Play and Build up bodies
Vol. 14 Non-Steroidal Treatment VS Steroidal Treatment
Vol. 15 No Guarantee of Healing with Methods of Nowadays
When to startbaby food…
There are various points of view for a commencing time, but in order to get better for atopic babies, parents must also consider supplementing the essential nutrition that is consumed by AD(atopic dermatitis) orTSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal).
Dr. Mitsuko explains it in an easy-to-understand manner.
If you are a parent of babies with AD, please watch it anyway!
For your baby’s faster improvement, I highly recommend taking a look at the series repeatedly and acquiring the know-how to cure it.
You are not alone.
In this way, there are people who support you like Dr. Mitsuko even if they are invisible there for you.
I also want to help you from the bottom of my heart because I fully know how hard it is. And because I have known that there is a way to get well.
It gets better little by little. Hang in there! Healing happens to your baby too definitely.
Thank you very much for waiting, ladies and gentlemen!
English and Spanish subtitles for Dr. Mitsuko Satou‘s YouTube
‘Say “No!” To Steroids – Vol. 8‘are ready now!
She has been treating babies and children with AD (Atopic Dermatitis) with non-steroidal
treatment for about 30 years and has been showing excellent results in Japan.
This time, it is a sequel to what she talked about ‘Eating (breastfeeding/bottle feeding)’ in “Part 7”.
Vol. 1 Say ‘No!’ to Steroids – Prologue
Vol. 2 Tips for Curing Atopic Dermatitis in Babies and Children
Vol. 3 Habit of Sleeping in Separate Rooms
Vol. 4 Let Them Scratch Freely – 1
Vol. 5 Let Them Scratch Freely – 2
Vol. 6 Take Care of Children Looking at Their Eyes
Vol. 7 Feeding – 1 (Breast milk or formula one? – 1)
Vol. 8 Feeding – 2 (Breast milk or formula one? – 2)
Vol. 9 Feeding – 3 (When do you start baby food?)
Vol. 10 Feeding – 4 (Babies also need flavor.)
Vol. 11 Feeding – 5 (How much should babies eat?)
Vol. 12 Feeding – 6 (Tips to let kids eat)
Breastfeeding is a truly blissful time for mothers.
Most mothers may think that they would like to raise
their babies with breastfeeding as much as possible.
Everyone knows the fact that first milk is very effective
in boosting immunity.
Dr. Mitsuko understands mothers’ feelings about it very well
because she also is a mother.
At the same time, she knows much more about its medical benefits and the effects
on babies’ bodies than ordinary people do.
What she is talking to you this time is about breast milk, however, not talking about whether
breastfeeding is right or wrong, or the pros and cons of it.
She is asking what you would like to do, meaning your true goal, that is if you’d like to
prioritize to improve your baby’s AD.
It is the part that you have to recognize with a calm mind.
On SNS, there are some who lose their composure and protest focusing only on the ‘to stop
breastfeeding’ part on SNS without reading it properly by the end or without understanding
the content of her message😥
Dr. Mitsuko believes in breastfeeding too, butatopic babies do not thrive
and need the extra protein to build their skin.
As a pediatrician, she has been treating many, many babies and they do better on formula.
She is explaining it with deep medically-founded insights in a comprehensible way.😉
Which should you prioritize between your thoughts about
breastfeeding and your baby’s sickness, thinking about
your baby’s current symptoms…?
If you prioritize your thoughts about breastfeeding, it may
be one choice to go with breastfeeding only.
However, if you prioritize curing your baby’s sickness,
mixing breastfeeding and bottle feeding might be necessary to select.
Again, no one forces your choice here.
She tells us as an experienced doctor that breast milk cannot supply all the
ingredients that are deprived of the body due to illnessand it causes
a sometimes-fatal problem.
You need to be firmly aware that the situation is different from
that of a child who does not have the disease.
Dr. Mitsuko fully understands that even if you understand that you have to stop breastfeeding
to improve your child’s illness, it is very painful for you to stop it as a mother.
So she dares to give examples and provide you with information on making a decision.
From her VERY long experiences as a pediatrician, and as a mother at the same time,
she tells you that there are situations where you have to make calm decisions as a mother
to heal your child.
The choice is yours.
It cannot be selected for young children.
Your child will continue to live on his or her own body.
No matter how much you wish, you cannot replace him/her or cannot walk their way on their behalf.
That’s especially why parents need various information to make calm decisions
and why Dr. Mitsuko conveys it.
We will keep providing this YouTube series to parents of children with AD and those with
TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal), wishing their faster healing.
Healing happens to your child too!
Have a GREAT day!
***Dr. Mitsuko Satou is the lead pediatrician in the No Moisturizing Treatment movement. She has approximately 30 years of experience working with atopic dermatitis in babies and small children without using topical steroids. As well, she has studied No Moisturizing Treatment thoroughly with Dr. Kenji Sato, which allowed her to carefully plan NMT protocols for children.